Wondering how to add payment to the client's balance? Our quick guide has all the instructions you need on how to manage and view payments.
You can view the detailed instruction on how to add a payment to the Client’s balance and check the total balance of the Client.

To add any payments to the Client’s balance, go to the Client Management > Payments section. In the “Payments History” tab click the “Add Payment” button and in the following fields
Lender: Enter the name of the client in the system.
Payment Date: Enter the date of the payment.
Payment Amount: Enter the amount that will be added to the client’s balance.
Description: Enter the text to add additional information for the payment.
Click the “Create” button to continue the creation of the payment.

Once the payment is done, it is accessible through the “Payments” section.
To check the total balance of the client, go to the Client Management > Balance section. The data sorted by the Client’s name in the system usually is updated once per day.