The “Callback Setting Access” section allows you to manage the Publisher access to the callback request lists.
To manage Callback Setting Access, go to the Callbacks > Callback Setting Access section.
The Callback Setting Access list contains the following information:
ID: The unique identification number of the Callback Setting Access record.
Publisher: The ID and the name of the Publisher.
Product name: The name of the Product.
Source: The reserved phone number of the Publisher.
Type: The access type (Allowlist or Denylist).
Status: The Callback Setting Access status (Active or Disabled).
Created At: The date and time when the record was created.
Updated At: The date and time when the record was updated.
You can narrow down the search results by using the following filters:
Callback: Select the callback list name.
Publisher: Select the name of the Publisher.
Source: Select the reserved phone number of the Publisher.
Type: Select the access type (Allowlist or Denylist).
Status: Select the Callback Setting Access status (Active or Disabled).
To receive the callback requests from any Publisher, keep the "Callback Settings Access" section empty.
To receive the callback requests from the default Publisher and specific Publishers, add Publishers to the “Allowlist ”.
To deny access to the Callback, add them to the “Denylist.”
Note: The “Denylist” settings override the “Allowlist ”. Publishers added to the “Denylist” won’t be able to send any callback requests, even if they are also in the “Allowlist .”
To add or edit the “Callback Setting Access” record, the “Is Public” option must be enabled for the Callback. Read more about the Callback in this Knowledge Base article.
To set the Callback Setting Access, click the “Add New Record” button and fill in the following fields in the pop-up window:
Callback: Select the callback list from the drop-down.
Publisher: Select the Publisher.
Source: Select the reserved phone number of the Publisher.
Type: Select the access type (Allowlist or Denylist).
Status: Select the Callback Setting Access status (active or disabled).
Click the “Save” button to confirm the changes.
Click the “Configure” button to edit the record and update the available fields.
Click the “Save” button to confirm the changes.