Clicks Report


The “Clicks Report” section allows you to review detailed data regarding each click. To view the report go to the All Reports > Clicks Report section.

You can sort data using the next filter fields:

  • Date - specify the date range;

  • Offer - choose the appropriate offer from the drop-down list;

  • Offer Type - choose the appropriate offer type from the drop-down list;

  • Advertiser - choose the appropriate advertiser from the drop-down list;

  • Affiliate - choose the appropriate affiliate from the drop-down list;

  • Unique - specify if click unique or not (True/False);

  • Country - choose the appropriate country name from the drop-down list;

  • Browser - choose the appropriate browser from the drop-down list (Chrome/Edge/Firefox, etc.);

  • Platform - choose the appropriate platform from the drop-down list (Android/Linux/Windows etc.);

The report displays the next data columns:

  • Date - the date range for this click;

  • Offer - the name of the offer;

  • Advertiser - the name of the offer’s advertiser;

  • Affiliate - the name of related affiliate;

  • Country - the country from which this click was made;

  • IP - IP address of the user which made this click;

  • Unique - shows if this click was made the first time or not (Unique/Not unique);

  • Browser - the browser name from which click was made;

  • Platform - the platform name from which click was made;

  • Url - the link that the client came from highlighted in blue, the link where the client was redirected after the click highlighted in green.

You can save the selected filtering settings for the report. Scroll down to the bottom of the report and click the “Save” button. The saved report will be available in the “Saved Reports” section.