The “Deduplication Rules” section allows you to effectively manage the deduplication of incoming traffic, taking into account various contexts of use at the product and campaign levels.
The temporary traffic deduplication feature exercises selective control over data sources to check incoming leads for uniqueness according to specified parameters in the selected time range.
The feature is available for:
- Global Admin;
- LMS Admin;
- Buyer Agent (only setup within Сampaigns; creating rules is restricted to admins);
- Buyer Editor (only settings within Сampaigns, if they have rights to view and edit campaigns).
How to View and Сreate the Deduplication Rule
To view the deduplication rules, go to the Client Management > Setup > Deduplication Rules section.
You can narrow down the search results by using the following filters:
- Product: Select the Product.
- Status: Select the rule status.
The “Deduplication Rules” section contains the following information:
- ID: The identification number of the deduplication rule.
- Product: The Product ID and name.
- Name: The name of the deduplication rule.
- Type: The type of the deduplication rule.
- Fields: The deduplication rule fields.
- Period: The deduplication period of the rule.
- Status: The deduplication rule status.
- In Use: The list of Campaigns where the rule is enabled. Click the “+” button to display the Campaigns list.
To create the new deduplication rule, click the “Add New Record” button and fill in the following fields:
- Name: Enter the name of the rule.
- Product: Select the Product.
- Type: Select the type of the rule:
- Product: The rule applies to the Product.
- Campaign Individual: When the rule is applied to multiple Campaigns, the rule will search for duplicates in each Campaign separately.
- Campaign Group (Main Processing / Silent Processing): When the rule is applied to multiple Campaigns, the rule will search for duplicates across all Campaigns where it is enabled.
- Product Field List: Select up to three fields to find duplicates. If you select more than one field, the system will search for duplicates based on the combination of all selected fields.
- Deduplication Period (Days / Hours / Minutes): Specify the time range of the deduplication rule.
Note: Available for Campaign Group types only. For the Product / Campaign Individual Rule, the period is set directly within the product or campaign.
To edit the deduplication rule, click the “Edit” button next to the corresponding rule. In the pop-up window, click the “Edit” button to apply the changes.
Note: You can not change the rule type. Changing any field in the settings will reset the data used for deduplication.
To delete the deduplication rule, click the “Delete” button next to the corresponding rule. Click the “Delete” button in the pop-up window to confirm your intention.
To change the rule status, click the “Active” / “Disabled” button next to the corresponding rule in the “Status” column and click the “Yes” button in the pop-up window to proceed.
Note: You can create up to 10 (ten) deduplication rules per Product.
How to Add the Rule at the Campaign Level
Go to the Client Management > Setup > Campaigns section. Click the “Configure” button next to the corresponding campaign, and click the “Duplicates” tab. Select the "Deduplication Rules" subtab.

The “Deduplication Settings” tab contains the following information:
- ID: The identification number of the deduplication rule.
- Name: The name of the deduplication rule.
- Type: The type of the deduplication rule.
- Fields: The deduplication rule fields.
- Status: The deduplication rule status.
- Period: The deduplication period of the rule.
To add the rule to the Campaign, click the “Add New Record” button and fill in the required fields:
- Type: Select the rule type.
- Deduplication Rule: Select the deduplication rule.
- Deduplication Period (Days / Hours / Minutes): Indicate the specific period for the system to search for duplicate entries.
Note: This field is available for Individual rules only.
Click the “Add” button to finish.
Note: You can add up to 2 (two) deduplication rules to the Campaign.
How to Add the Rule at the Product Level
Go to the System Management > Products section. Click the “Configure” button next to the corresponding Product, and click the “Deduplication Settings” tab.
The “Deduplication Settings” tab contains the following information:
- ID: The identification number of the deduplication rule.
- Name: The name of the deduplication rule.
- Fields: The deduplication rule fields.
- Status: The deduplication rule status.
- Search Type: The deduplication rule type.
- Period: The deduplication period of the rule.
- Unique By: The criteria used by the rule to perform duplicate searches.
- Duplicate Lead Creation (On / Off): Displays if the lead creation in the system is enabled for leads filtered out by the deduplication rule.
To add the deduplication rule to the Product, click the “Add New Record” button and fill in the following fields:
- Deduplication Rule: Select the deduplication rule.
- Type: Select the deduplication rule type.
- Deduplication Period (Days / Hours / Minutes): Indicate the specific period for the system to search for duplicate entries.
- Unique By (Channel / Source / Publisher): Select the criteria to specify where duplicate searches will be performed. If you do not select any option, duplicate searches will apply to all leads within the selected Product.
- Prevent duplicate leads from system entry: Check the box to prevent leads from entering the system for leads filtered out by the deduplication rule.
Example: The “Publisher” option is selected in the Unique By field, and the checkbox is enabled. If the lead comes to Publisher A, and a duplicate is located at Publisher B, then the lead passes into the system.
Click the “Add” button to finish.
To edit the deduplication rule, click the “Edit” button next to the corresponding rule.
Click the “Edit” button to apply the changes.
Note: Changing any field in the settings will reset the data used for deduplication.
To delete the rule, click the “Delete” button next to the corresponding rule.
Click the “Delete” button to confirm your intention in a pop-up window.
Note: You can add up to 3 (three) deduplication rules to the Product.