Check our quick guide to the Duration to Sell (Advanced) function to learn about campaign price adjustments based on call durations.
The Duration to Sell (Advanced) function allows you to adjust the campaign price based on the call duration.
The Duration to Sell (Advanced) function allows you to adjust the campaign price based on the call duration. Go to the Client Management> Setup> Campaigns section, choose the Campaign and click the “Configure” button in the “Actions” column. Move to the “Integration” section and open the “Durations To Sell (Advanced)” tab.
The configuration allows configuring campaign prices based on the call duration.

The “Duration to Sell” field allows you to set up call duration in seconds.
The “Campaign Price” field allows you to set up a price for the call duration (USD) previously indicated in the “Duration to Sell” field.
NOTICE: The amount in the “Campaign Price” column does not sum up.
Example: In the “Duration to Sell” column, you set up the 30 sec, 45 sec, and 60 sec. In the “Campaign Price” column, you set up 5 USD, 10 USD, and 15 USD. If the call duration is 30 sec, it will cost an additional 5 USD. But if the call duration is 45 sec, it will cost an additional 10 USD. If the call duration increases, the price will increase too. The price for the shorter previous duration will be ignored.
NOTICE: The amount entered in the “Campaign Price” column sums up with the Min Price of Campaign.
Example: Min Price of the campaign is 10 USD, the entered amount in the “Campaign Price” column is 10 USD for 60 sec. If the duration of the call is 60 sec, the total amount will be 20 USD.