Feed CMS: Template

The Template section contains details about feed templates and allows you to add new or manage existing templates in the system.

You can use the Feed Templates to build pages and set global or feed variables that can be incorporated into the feeds the Publishers are using.

Note: Available for the Enterprise Suite only.

This feature enables you to unify some sections or components (blocks) of a landing page, make changes to the templates, and apply those changes to the feeds using those templates quickly and easily by means of deploying the changes to the feeds with a press of a button. Note: The developer's knowledge is required to create templates.

To view the list of templates, go to the Feed CMS > Template section. You can create, edit, clone, and delete templates from the system.

Template  Inst - Google Chrome

You can narrow down the search results by using the following filters:

  • ID: Enter the unique identification number of the template.
  • Site Name: Enter the website name used in the template.
  • Site URL: Enter the website URL used in the template.
  • Public: Select if the template is public (available for all Publishers).
  • SSL: Select if the SSL certificate is used for the deployment.

The Template list contains the following information:

  • ID: The unique identification number of the template.
  • Site Name: The website name used in the template.
  • Site URL: The website URL used in the template.
  • Public: The indication if the template is public (available for all Publishers).

To create a new Template, click the “Add New Record” button. Fill in the following fields in the pop-up window:

  • Site Name: Enter the website name for this template.
  • Site URL: Enter the website URL for this template.
  • Preview URL: Enter the URL with the thumbnail design picture for this template.
  • Demo URL: Enter the URL with the real design of the website that can be used as a demo for this template.

Click the “Save” button to complete the action.

add template

Click the “Save” button to complete the action. Click the “Cancel” button to discard the changes.

To manage the existing template, click the “Edit” button in the “Actions” column. The system will automatically redirect you to the template settings page with the list of template pages.

edit temlateYou can change the basic template settings such as “Site Name”, “Site URL”, “Promo URL”, and “Demo URL”. To make the template public (all Publishers can view the template), check the “Is Public” box. To enable the SSL Certificate to be used during the deployment process, check the “Use SSL For Deployment” box. Enter the new value into the corresponding field and click the “Save” button to complete the action.

The list of pages contains the following information:

  • #: The order number in the list.
  • Name: The name of the page.
  • Header: The header selected for the page.
  • Sub Header: The subheader selected for the page.
  • Content: The content block selected for the page.
  • Footer: The footer selected for the page.
  • Path: The path to this page from the root of the feed.
  • File Name: The path to this page from the root of the feed with the file extension and file name.

To add a new page to the template, click the “Add Page” button.

add page to template

To add an existing page to the template, select the page from the “Page” drop-down list and click the “Add” button to complete the action. Note: when you upload a page as a file or create a new one in the system it is automatically added to this list.

To upload a page into the system, click the “Upload file” button in the pop-up window, select the file, and click the “Upload” button to proceed.

To create a new page for the template, click the “Create New Page” button in the pop-up window. The system will redirect you to the page creation form. Fill in the following fields:

  • Page Name: Enter the name of the page.
  • File Name: Enter the full path to this page from the root folder of the feed.
  • Header: Select the header from the list or create a new one by clicking the “Create New” button.
  • Sub Header: Select the subheader from the list or create a new one by clicking the “Create New” button.
  • Content: Select the content block from the list or create a new one by clicking the “Create New” button.
  • Footer: Select the footer from the list or create a new one by clicking the “Create New” button.

Note: If you select one of the existing headers, subheaders, contents, or footers and click the “Edit” button to change it, the changes apply to all pages that use the same site block templates. 

Click the “Save” button to complete the process.

new page

To make the mass bulk change, select all necessary records from the list by checking the box next to the File Name and click the “Mass Rename” or “Mass Remove” button to rename the record or remove it from the list. 

The Global Variables section contains the list of the variables that are applied to all the templates in the system ({copyright_year} / {contact_phone}).

Read more about how to add Global Variables in this Knowledge Base article.

template global variables sectionThe list contains the following information:

  • ID: The unique identification number of the variable.
  • Global variable: The name of the variable.
  • Default value: The default value of the variable.

The Feed Variables section contains the list of the variables available for this feed. To add a variable, enter the name of the variable and the value for it into the corresponding fields. Click the “Save” button to complete the action.

feed variablesTo delete a variable from the list, click the “Delete” icon next to it and the “Save” button to proceed.