1. Knowledge Base
  2. LMS Sync & Call Logic

Form Builder Setup: Consent

The Consent section allows you to add and configure an additional step to your JS Form template. This will allow your users to carefully review the Buyer's conditions as they fill out the form, ensuring compliance with the FCC 1:1 consent regulations

Please note, that this feature is available only for the Ping Post Products that support Legs integration. Read more about the Multi-Leg integration in this Knowledge Base article

To view the section, go to the Publisher Management > Promo Materials > Form Builder section, click the "Builder" button, and select the "Consent" tab.


The “Consent Settings” block allows you to customize the consent page according to your preference by filling out the following fields:

    • Layout Mode: Select one of the preferable options to display the Buyer terms.
      • Select the “Swipe Mode - Unique Consent” option to allow the users to swipe through each Buyer’s consent language separately. 
      • Select the “Generic Consent Mode” option to provide the users with consent language for all Buyers at once.
    • Company Name response key: Select the Product response field that corresponds to the company name setting. You can customize the response key according to your preference by managing the custom attributes both on the Product and Campaign levels. Read more about the Additional Response Fields and Campaign Additional Attributes in the Knowledge Base articles.
    • Consent Language response key: Select the Product response field that corresponds to the consent language setting. You can customize the response key according to your preference by managing the custom attributes both on the Product and Campaign levels. Read more about the Additional Response Fields and Campaign Additional Attributes in the Knowledge Base articles.
    • Logo URL response key: Select the Product response field that corresponds to the company’s logo setting. You can customize the response key according to your preference by managing the custom attributes both on the Product and Campaign levels. Read more about the Additional Response Fields and Campaign Additional Attributes in the Knowledge Base articles.
    • Header Text: Enter the header text.
    • Maximum number of Buyers to show: Enter the maximum number of Buyers to be displayed. You can display up to 30 Buyers.
    • Allow to select all buyers: Check the box to allow users to select all available Buyers simultaneously (Generic Consent Mode only).
    • Show email address under Phone Number: Check the box to display the email address.
    • Show company logo: Check the box to display the Buyer’s logo.
    • Consent text: Enter the generic terms and conditions text for all Buyers (Generic Consent Mode only).
    • Agree button text: Enter the text for the “Agree” button that is displayed before the user has selected the Buyer(s) (Swipe Mode only).
    • Agreed button text: Enter the text for the “Agreed” button that is displayed after the user has made a selection (Swipe Mode only).
    • Submit button text: Enter the text for the “Submit” button.
  • Chosen providers text: Enter the text for the selected Buyers link.
  • Phone number text: Enter the text that presents the phone number.
  • Phone number field name: Enter the name of the phone number field, e.g. mobilePhone.
  • Display priority: Select the “Max Price” option to display the Buyers based on their bids from Max to Min value. Select the “Campaign Priority” option to display the Buyers based on the Campaign settings priority.

All current settings are visible in the preview window on the left. Please make sure that you confirm all the changes by clicking the “Save” button at the upper block of the page.
