General Legal References

Find out how to view the list of legal standards relevant to your entity in our quick guide to the General Legal References section.

This section contains a list of standards and general legal references that may be relevant to your entity, provided for reference and guidance purposes only. Information in the section is divided into two blocks: “US Regulatory Guidance”, “UK-EU Regulatory Guidance”.

To view a list of references, go to the Documents and References > General Legal References section.


The “US Regulatory Guidance” block contains the following references:

  • TCPA: “FCC: Summary of the TCPA Rules”, “FCC: Small Entity Compliance Guide, TCPA”, “TCPA vs DNC”.
  • UDAA: “CFPB: Laws and Regulations, UDAAP”.
  • TILA: “CFPB: Supervisions Procedures, TILA”.
  • GLBA: “CFPB: GLBA Privacy of Consumer Information Guide”.
  • Data Security: “FTC: Start with Security Guide (Data Security)”, “FTC: Careful Connections (Building Security on the Internet)”.
  • Miscellaneous: “FTC: How To Make Effective Disclosures in Digital Advertising”, “CFPB: Payday, Vehicle Title, High-Interest Loan Small Entity Compliance Guide”.
  • Calling Restrictions: “State by State Calling Restrictions”.

The “UK-EU Regulatory Guidance” block contains the following references:

  • GDPR:ICO's Guide to the GDPR”.
  • PECR:ICO's Guide to PECR”.
  • Data security:UK Department of Business Innovation and Skills: 10 Steps to Cyber Security”, “UK National Cyber Security Center: Reducing Cyber Attacks”, “UK Crown: Security Policy Framework”.
  • Calling Restrictions:Calling Restrictions UK”.

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