iClear: Foreclosure Check

The iClear: Foreclosure Check service allows you to review and confirm foreclosure records related to an individual using a provided phone number through a third-party database.

To enable this service, go to the Fraud and Anomaly > iClear > Lead Processing Rules section and select a Product from the drop-down list. Click the “Select” button to proceed.

iclear selection-Nov-21-2024-01-53-06-3144-PMOnce you select the Product, you’ll be automatically redirected to the “Lead Processing Rules (iClear)” sub-tab. You may also navigate here by selecting the System Management > Products section on the left-hand menu and clicking on the “Settings” button for the corresponding product (Lead Processing Rules (iClear) sub-tab).

To configure this service, click the “Add Service” button in the Global Rules block. Fill in the following fields:

  • Select Third Party Service: Select the “iClear: Foreclosure Check” option.
  • Execution Type:
    • Select the "Synchronous" option to wait for the service lookup outcome before processing a lead. This execution type is recommended for real-time filtration of a lead based on the lookup status. Before processing a lead, the system makes a request to the third-party database.
    • Select the "Asynchronous" option to make a simultaneous request and process a lead without waiting for the lookup outcome. This execution type is recommended for analytical purposes and not for real-time lead filtration based on the lookup status. While processing a lead, the system makes a request to the third-party database.
    • Select the “On-Demand” option to enable leads filtration when the “% of lead to lookup” is set as 0 (null).
  • % of leads to lookup: Set the percentage of leads to be checked through this service.
  • Select a field to retrieve the phone number: Select which field the system will retrieve the phone number from. Example: cellPhone.
  • Reject the lead if any foreclosure cases are found: Select whether you want to reject the lead if any foreclosure case is found.

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The “Advanced Settings” configuration block allows you to customize the lookup and timeout settings of the service according to the selected Execution Type.

  • Lookup only in the local DB (Synchronous Execution only): Select “Yes” for the service to look up only in the local database. Select “No” for the service to look up both in the local database and API.
  • If local lookup fails, perform an Asynchronous run (Synchronous Execution only): Select “Yes” to perform the Asynchronous run in case the local database lookup is unsuccessful. Select “No” to disable the lookup override.
  • API Timeout (Synchronous Execution): Fill in the service response timeout (from one to five seconds). Note: The field is active only if the “Lookup only in local DB” option is disabled.
  • API Timeout (Asynchronous Execution): Fill in the service response timeout (from one to five seconds).
  • After a timeout, run as Asynchronous (Synchronous Execution only): Select “Yes” to perform the Asynchronous execution if the timeout runs out. Select “No” to disable the Asynchronous run override.
  • No response service action: Select the action in case there is no response from the third-party service (Continue Processing, Reject Lead).

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The “Additional Run Settings” configuration block allows you to configure more options to determine at which stage you would prefer to run the service.

  • Service run time: Select whether you would prefer to run the service before or after the leads are filtered out (After filtration / Before filtration). Note: Please be aware that selecting this option may impact your invoice. Once this option is selected and no campaigns remain for the service to run, no charges will be incurred.
  • Run service on (PingPost products only): Select one of the options to determine at which stage you prefer to run the service for the Ping Post products (Ping / Post / Ping and Post). 
  • Run service on silent ping: Select whether you want to run the service during the silent ping stage.

Click the “Add” button to confirm.

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Read more about the Global Rules and Advanced Rules configuration in this Knowledge Base article.