The “HLR Lookup” is a third-party service that allows you to check the phone number validity.
HLR stands for Home Location Register, which is the primary database containing accurate and up-to-date information on mobile/cell phone subscribers worldwide. An HLR Lookup request or operation checks whether a mobile phone is active, switched on, and assigned to a specific network.
Note: The “HLR Lookup” service is available on demand, please contact your Account Manager to activate this feature.
This feature is available for Products and JS forms.
How to enable the “HLR Lookup” service
To enable the “HLR Lookup” service, go to the Fraud and Anomaly > iClear > Lead Processing Rules section and select a Product from the drop-down list.
Once you select the Product, you’ll be automatically redirected to the Lead Processing Rules (iClear) sub-tab. You may also navigate here by selecting the System Management > Products section on the left-hand menu and clicking on the “Settings” button for the corresponding product (Lead Processing Rules (iClear) sub-tab).
Fill in the following fields in the “Add Service” pop-up window:
- Select Third Party Service: Select the “HLR Lookup” option.
- Select a field to retrieve the phone: Select the field that contains the phone number.
- Execution Type:
- Select the "Asynchronous" option to make a simultaneous request and process a lead without waiting for the lookup outcome. This execution type is recommended for analytical purposes and not for real-time lead filtration based on the lookup status. While processing a lead, the system makes a request to the HLR Lookup service.
- Select the "Synchronous" option to wait for the HLR Lookup outcome before processing a lead. This execution type is recommended for real-time filtration of a lead based on the lookup status. Before processing a lead, the system makes a request to the HLR Lookup service.
- % of leads to lookup: Set the percentage of leads to be checked through this service.
- Use Cache Data Not Older Than (days): Enter the maximum period (in days) for cache data usage.
- Reject the lead if HLR Lookup returns this phone number type(es): Select the type according to which the phone number will be rejected.
- Reject the lead if HLR Lookup returns this status(es): Select the status of the phone number that should be rejected.
The “Add to Do and Do Not Present lists” configuration block allows you to use the service to add more filters to your existing DNPLs. Read more about Present and Do Not Present lists in this Knowledge Base article.
Fill in the following fields to configure:
- Type: Select the type according to which the phone number will be rejected.
- Status: Select the status of the phone number that should be rejected.
- Do and Do Not Present lists: Select one or multiple Do or Do Not Present lists.
The “Advanced Settings” configuration block allows you to customize the lookup and timeout settings of the service according to the selected Execution Type.
- Lookup only in the local DB (Synchronous Execution only): Select “Yes” for the service to look up only in the local database. Select “No” for the service to lookup both in the local database and API.
- If local lookup fails, perform an Asynchronous run (Synchronous Execution only): Select “Yes” to perform the Asynchronous run in case the local database lookup is unsuccessful. Select “No” to disable the lookup override.
- API Timeout (Synchronous Execution): Fill in the service response timeout (from one to five seconds). The field is active only if the “Lookup only in local DB” option is disabled.
- API Timeout (Asynchronous Execution): Fill in the service response timeout (from one to five seconds).
- After a timeout, run as Asynchronous (Synchronous Execution only): Select “Yes” to perform the Asynchronous execution if the timeout runs out. Select “No” to disable the Asynchronous run override.
The “Additional Run Settings” configuration block allows you to configure more options to determine at which stage you would prefer to run the service.
- Service run time: Select whether you would prefer to run the service before or after the leads are filtered out (After filtration / Before filtration).
Note: Please be aware that selecting this option may impact your invoice. Once this option is selected and no campaigns remain for the service to run, there will be no charges incurred.
- Run service on (PingPost products only): Select one of the options to determine at which stage you would prefer to run the service for the Ping Post products (Ping / Post / Ping and Post).
- Run service on silent ping: Select “Yes” if you would like to run the service during the silent ping stage. Select “No” to exclude this option.
Click the “Add” button to confirm.

The “HLR Lookup” service usage for forms
The “HLR Lookup” service may be also used for forms that allow you to check the phone number validity on the frontend level.
To enable the “HLR Lookup” service for forms, go to the System Management > Products section, select the corresponding Product, and click the “Settings” button in the “Actions” column.
Select the “Additional Form Settings” subtab and select the “Yes” option in the “Enable the form HLR check” fields. Enter the number of the unsuccessful phone number checks via Lookup service in the “Count of HLR checks” field. Note: The value in this field can be from 0 up to 50.
The settings completed above allow you to set the checking of the phone number on the form level. The phone number will be checked for validity according to the phone number format.
The user can receive the rejection reason for the form. Complete the settings above on the form’s level and add the iClear service as described in the section above.
Note, ensure that the value set in the “% of leads to lookup” field is 0.
If you would like to apply the phone number verification via the HLR Lookup service, please, add the corresponding rule according to the instructions from the previous part of the article.