Lead Price Adjustment

Adjust the lead prices in real-time with lead price adjustments. A quick guide on how to change the lead price without changing its status.

The Lead Price Adjustment feature allows you to adjust the lead price. You may increase or decrease the lead price without changing the lead status.

To enable the Lead Price Adjustment feature, go to the System Management > General > Project Settings section and select the “LMS & Call Logic” component tab. In the “Additional Components” tab, in the “Reports & Analytics” block, switch on the “Lead Price Adjustment” option and click the “Save” button to complete. Note: Only users with the Global Admin and LMS & Call Logic Admin system roles have access to enable features.

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To adjust the lead price, go to the All Reports > Buyer Reports > Lead Details section and enable the Price Adjustment Mode by moving the switcher to the “ON” position.

Note: Turning this feature on and later turning it off may cause discrepancies in the reports, particularly in the Summary and Details reports.

Select the lead from the list and click the “Adjustment” icon in the report’s leftmost column to open the adjustment block. The icon is active and clickable only for the leads eligible for adjustment. Currently, Phonexa supports price adjustment for leads sold to the Redirect (LMS) and Direct Call (Call Logic) campaigns. The price adjustment is available only for leads that were not paid out to Publishers and are still within the Publisher Hold period set in the Publisher Management > Publishers > Payment > Payment Period. The “Adjustment” icon color is a light grey for the leads not eligible for adjustment, blue for the leads eligible for adjustment, and green for the leads that have been adjusted.

In the adjustment block, you can adjust the Revenue, Payout, Agent Fee, and Referral Fee amount for a lead using the following columns:

  • Description: The items available for adjustment (Revenue / Payout / Agent Fee / Referral Fee).

  • Current: The current amount.

  • Adjust: To increase the amount, click the “+” button and enter the adjustment amount. To decrease the amount, click the “-” button and enter the adjustment amount.

  • Updated: The final amount after the adjustment.

Click the “Save & Close” button to apply the adjustment.

Note: For Smart products, if the lead has been sold to multiple Campaigns, the system will display the corresponding number of the "Revenue" fields. Also, next to each field, the system will display the Campaign name and ID and the Buyer name and ID.

To view transactions related to the price adjustment, select the lead from the list and click the “Lead ID” number button. The “Transactions” tab of the “Lead Info” page displays the list of all transactions related to the lead, including adjustments. Please note that if there is a decrease, it will be reflected in parentheses in red color, e.g., ($10.00).

Lead Return/Adjustment Reporting

The Lead Return/Adjustment report (formerly the Lead Return report) now reflects the lead price adjustment logs. To view the report, go to the All Reports > Buyer Reports > Lead Return/Adjust section. To review the lead price adjustment logs, select the “Lead Price Adjustment” option in the “Adjustment Type” filter.

The Lead Return/Adjustment report contains the following information:

  • ID: The unique identification number of the lead.

  • Quality: The bubbles reflecting the lead quality.

  • Adj. Date: The date and time of the lead adjustment.

  • Adjusted By: The name of the user that adjusted the lead.

  • Reason: The reason for the return. Note: This field is applicable for lead returns only.

  • Buyer: The name of the Buyer.
  • Publisher Adj.: The publisher payout adjustment amount.
  • TTL Adj.: The total revenue adjustment amount.

  • REF Adj.: The referral fee adjustment amount.

  • AGN Adj.: The agent fee adjustment amount.

  • Publisher: The final publisher payout amount.

  • TTL: The final revenue amount.

  • REF: The final referral fee amount.

  • AGN: The final agent fee amount.

  • Product: The name of the product.

  • Channel: The publisher’s channel.

  • Method: The submission method (POST / FORM)

  • Source: The publisher source.

  • Email: The email address of the lead.

Note: If the price for the lead is adjusted more than once, the report will reflect the total adjustment amount for the date when the last adjustment was made.

The decrease in the amount is marked with a red down arrow icon next to the column value. The increase is displayed with a green up arrow icon.

Publisher Performance Summary

To view the lead price adjustment summary in the Publisher Performance Summary report, go to the All Reports > Publisher Reports > Performance Summary section, select the date range, check the “Show Price Adjustment” box, and click the “Search” button.

The following columns reflecting the lead price adjustment summary will appear in the report:

  • Adjusted: The number of adjusted leads. Please note that multiple adjustment transactions for the same lead are reported as one adjusted lead.

  • Publisher Adj.: The total publisher payout adjustment amount.

  • ADM Adj.: The total admin earnings adjustment amount.

  • TTL Adj.: The total revenue adjustment amount.

  • REF Adj.: The total referral fee adjustment amount.

  • AGN Adj.: The total agent fee adjustment amount.

Buyer Performance Summary

To view the lead price adjustment summary in the Buyer Performance Summary, go to the All Reports > Buyer Reports > Performance Summary section, select the date range, check the “Show Price Adjustment” box, and click the “Search” button.

The following columns reflecting the lead price adjustment summary will appear in the report:

  • Adjusted: The number of adjusted leads. Please note that multiple adjustment transactions for the same lead are reported as one adjusted lead.

  • Publisher Adj.: The total publisher payout adjustment amount.

  • ADM Adj.: The total admin earnings adjustment amount.

  • TTL Adj.: The total revenue adjustment amount.