Check our quick guide to Lead Processing Analyzer and learn how to view and group Buyer’s lead processing data.
Lead Processing Analyzer report displays the time that the Buyer spent on processing the lead. You can group the report using the “Do Not Group”, “Group by Campaign” and “Group by Integration” tabs.
To view the reports go to Analytics and Optimization> Lead Processing> Lead Processing Analyzer section.
You can filter the report using “Do Not Group”, “Group by Campaign” group “Group by Integration” tabs.
The “Group by Campaign” and “Group by Integration” display lead processing in one hour. The “Do Not Group” tab displays total analytics in a day.
The Lead Processing Analyzer list contains the following information:
Date: The purchase lead date.
Buyer: The name of the Buyer.
Campaign: The name of the Campaign.
Min Price: The min lead price.
Total: The quantity of accepted/rejected leads.
Time for processing of each lead (you have data displayed according to values range from 6 up to 61 seconds with threshold 5 seconds inclusively)
Integration: The integration type.
The “Totals” row at the bottom of the table shows the summary number of processed leads.
You can narrow down the search results by using the following filters:
Date: Select the date.
Buyer Agent: Select the Buyer Agent.
Buyer: Select the Buyer.
Buyer Campaign: Select the Campaign.
Time From: Select the start date for analytics.
Time Till: Select the end date of the analytics.
Publisher: Select the Publisher.