Manage Offers

The Manage Offers Section allows you to create offers, review offer details, and customize created offers.

Offer Overview

Create a New Web Offer

Create a New Mobile Offer


Tracking Link Option

Offer Details

Offer Overview

To view the list of offers, go to the Offers > Manage Offers section.


You can narrow down the search results by using the following filters:

  • Advertiser: Select the name of the advertiser.

  • Status: Select the Status (Active, Deleted, Disabled, No Details, Paused, Pending).

  • Offer Type: Select the offer type (Default, LMS + Call Logic, Mobile).

  • Offer: Select the offer.

  • Vertical Type: Select the vertical type. In this list, you can choose the market segment addressed by the offer.

  • Payout Type: Select the payout type from the dropdown list to make filtration by a specific method.

  • Revenue Type: Select what form of payout you expect from the advertiser.

  • Category: Select the category.

The Manage Offers list contains the following information :

  • ID: The unique identification number of the offer.

  • Image: The image for the offer.

  • Created: The date of creation.

  • Expire: The expiration date of the offer.

  • Offer: The name of the offer.

  • Advertiser: The name of the advertiser.

  • Vertical: The type of the market segment.

  • Status: The status of the offer (Pending, Active, Paused, Disabled).

  • Payout: The sum we have to pay to the affiliate.

  • Revenue: The sum that you gather from the advertiser of the offer.

Create a New Web Offer

The Web Offer is the Advertiser's proposal of advertisement placement on any web source to the Affiliates. The Offer allows Advertisers to increase the conversion rate. Offer creation is available only under the Lynx Advertiser Senior, Lynx Advertiser Agent, and Lynx Admin roles. 

To create a new offer, click the “New Offer” button and select the “Web Offer (Default)” option. Fill in the following fields in the “Web Offer (Default)” pop-up window:

  • Advertiser: Select the advertiser.

  • Name: Enter the name.

  • Offer type: Select the offer type.

  • Vertical: Select the type of market segment.

  • Categories: Select the categories.

  • Expiration date: Select the expiration date or switch the “Make Infinite” toggle to the “ON” position to make Infinite. 

  • Timezone: Select the timezone.

  • Preview URL: Enter the link that gives a preview of an offer link. Preview URL example:

  • Offer URL: Enter the offer link for the Advertiser website, including essential tracking parameters such as a Transaction ID or an Affiliate ID. Offer URL example:{transaction_id}&affiliate_id=[affiliate_id
  • Add Parameters to Offer URL: Fill in the following fields to add a parameter to the Offer URL and click the “Add to Offer URL” button to proceed:
    • Parameter Name: Enter the name for the parameter.
    • Macros: Select the parameter from the drop-down list.
      Note: Click the “Show All Parameters” button to view all of the available parameters with the descriptions.
  • Enabled Goals: Switch the toggle to the “On” position to activate offer goal tracking. Note: Once the offer goal tracking has been activated, the “Payout” and “Revenue” tabs will be displayed on the Goal Setup page.
  • Private: Switch the toggle to the “On” position to make it a private offer, and enter the affiliate name/names in the “Affiliate” field for the offer to be available to this affiliate/affiliates only.
  • Enabled Deep Links: Switch the toggle to the “On” position to enable affiliate users to specify a link for redirection after the click. A deep link directs users straight to a specific page, allowing them to skip the homepage and access the exact content they want. This offers a more efficient and user-friendly browsing experience.

Click the “Add” button to create the Offer.


Create a New Mobile Offer

The Mobile Offer has the same functionality as the Offer but with placement differences. It is used for mobile tracking and transfers users to the Google/Apple store depending on the operating system instead of web sources. You can set the different APIs for receiving information about installations and other events from mobile applications and bind them with the offer goals. 

To create a new mobile offer, click the “New Offer” button and select the “Mobile Offer” option. Fill in the following fields in the “Mobile Offer” pop-up window:

  • Advertiser: Select the Advertiser.
  • Name: Enter the name of the mobile offer. 
  • Vertical: Select the type of market segment.
  • Categories: Select the categories.
  • Expiration Date: Select the expiration date or switch the “Make Infinite” toggle to the“ON” position to make Infinite.
  • Timezone: Select the timezone. 
  • Google Store Url: Enter the URL for the Google Store.
  • Apple Store Url: Enter the URL for the Apple Store. 
  • Private: Switch the toggle to the “ON” position to make it private. 
    • Affiliate: Select the Affiliate for the Offer. 

Note: Mobile Offer is always created with the default informational goal “INSTALL”.



The Duplicate feature allows you to create a copy of an existing offer with all its settings.

To duplicate the offer, click the “Duplicate” button and fill in the following fields in the “Duplicate” pop-up window:

  • Offer: Select the offer.

  • Name: Enter the name for the new offer.

  • Status: Select the status (Pending, Active, Paused, Disabled).

Click the “Duplicate” button to proceed.

Tracking Link Option

To make specific customization of the link for the offer, click the “Tracking Link” button in the “Action” column.

The “Tracking Link” is the tool for the quick access and setup of the tracking link or JS code for Affiliates. It allows you to add a set of parameters to the link and make a short link by checking the corresponding box. Also, you can save data about the user's visit who opened the webpage through the offer URL.

You can view and configure the following fields in the “Tracking Link Editor” pop-up window:

  • Affiliate: Select the affiliate to generate a link for a specific Affiliate.

  • Select the preferred tracking method to share with the Affiliate:

    • Tracking Link: The Tracking Link is an automatically generated link to the offer with tracking parameters. By using the Link Customization tools, you can add additional parameters to the link.

    • The Advanced Options section presents the JS Tracking Code that can be used when direct linking to the offer can not be implemented.

    • Impression Pixel: The impression pixel can be used as a tracking method to count the number of offer page loads.

  • Generate TinyURL: Select the checkbox to generate the shortened link.

  • Tracking Link Customization: You can customize a tracking link by adding parameters. Click the “Parameter Hint” button to review available parameters that can be manually added to the tracking link. To add one of the suggested parameters to the tracking link, click the required parameter button and enter the parameter value in the text field below.

    • Add Source: Select the “Add Source” parameter to include a traffic source in the tracking link. This parameter accepts up to 255 standard alphanumeric characters. Click “Apply” to add this parameter to a link.

    • Add Sub IDs: Select the “Add Sub IDs” parameter to include non-unique sub ID values (e.g. sub-website, keyword, creative) in the tracking link. These parameters accept up to 500 standard alphanumeric characters each. Click “Apply” to add this parameter to a link.

    • Add Click ID: Select the “Add Click ID” parameter to add affiliate click ID values to reference individual clicks across the tracking system. This parameter accepts up to 500 standard alphanumeric characters. Click “Apply” to add this parameter to a link.

    • Add Unique: Select the “Add Unique” parameter to add unique values (e.g. user hashes, programmatic API values) to store additional session information. These parameters accept up to 250 standard alphanumeric characters each. Click “Apply” to add this parameter to a link.

To configure the offer, click the “Configure” button in the “Actions” column.

To delete the existing offer, click the “Delete” button in the “Actions” column.

Offer Details

To view the more detailed information about the offer, click the “Offer details” button in the “Action” column.

The “Offer Details” page contains the following blocks:

The “Offer Details” block contains the following information:

  • Name: The name of the offer.

  • Vertical Type: The vertical type of the offer.

  • Categories: The type of the categories.

  • Timezone: The timezone of the offer.

  • Status: The name of the offer status.

  • Expiration Date: The expiration date of the offer.

  • Description: The offer description.

The “Conversion URL” block contains the following information:

  • Sub ID: Select the checkbox to set the sub ID option.

  • Cookieless Tracking: Select the checkbox to set the cookieless tracking option.

  • Encrypt the conversions tracking URL for enhanced security: Select the checkbox to enable the option.

The “Payout” block includes the following information:

  • Type: The method to track payouts for that offer.

  • Amount per Conversion: The amount per conversion.

The “Revenue” block displayed the following information:

  • Type: The method to track revenue for that offer.

  • Amount revenue per Conversion: The amount of revenue per conversion.

The “Tracking” block contains the following information:

  • Conversion Track Type: The conversion track type.

  • Custom Variables: The state of the custom variables in the link.

  • Direct links: The state of the direct links in the link.

The “Targeting” block contains the following information:

  • Location: The name of the location.

The “Preview URL” block contains the following information:

  • URL: The preview URL of the offer.

The “Goals” block contains the following information: 

  • Name: The name of the Goal.
  • Payout: The sum we have to pay to the affiliate.
  • Revenue: The sum that you gather from the advertiser of the offer.


The “Mobile SDK” block contains the following information:

  • API Url: The API Url for the Mobile SDK. 
  • API ID: The API identification number for the Mobile SDK.
  • Password: The password for the Mobile SDK.
