Check our guide to the Max EPL/Profit Maker Ping Tree Strategies and find out how you can drive revenue growth.
The Max EPL Ping Tree strategy allows you to reach your maximum earnings with every call. The Profit Maker Ping Tree strategy allows you to achieve overall maximum profitability for the campaigns with the least remaining distribution time.
Note: The strategy is available only for the Direct Call campaigns in the Call Logic platform.
The Max EPL Ping Tree strategy allows you to reach your maximum earnings with every call. With this strategy, selected leads are first presented to campaigns with the highest expected price, followed by campaigns with lower expected price.

The following formula determines the highest expected price:
=Min Price x Sold Rate
Min Price: Campaign’s minimum price per lead.
Accept Rate: Campaign’s Accept Rate for the last seven days according to the Buyer’s Performance Summary (to view the report, go to the All Reports > Buyer Reports > Performance Summary section). In case there is no Accept Rate data provided in the summary, the default value is equal to 100%. It’s recommended to run a campaign for at least seven days before adding it to the Ping Tree with the Max EPL strategy selected.
In case the "Duration to Sell" feature is enabled for the campaign, it is considered in the formula. (Read about the Duration to Sell feature in the Knowledge Base)
=(Min Price x Sold Rate) + (Sold Calls / All Posts x 100 x Duration to Sell Price)
Min Price: Campaign’s minimum price per lead.
Accept Rate: Campaign’s Accept Rate for the last seven days according to the Buyer’s Performance Summary (to view the report, go to the All Reports > Buyer Reports > Performance Summary section). If Accept Rate data is not provided in the summary, the default value is set to 100%. It’s recommended to run a campaign for at least seven days before adding it to the Ping Tree with the Max EPL strategy selected.
Sold Leads: The number of sold leads that reached the Duration to Sell over the last seven days.
All Posts: The total number of posts in the last seven days.
"Duration to Sell" Price: The price set for the leads that reached Duration to Sell.
You have a campaign with the price set to $20, and 75% of the transferred calls are billable. While another campaign has the $24 price, but only 60% of the transferred calls are billable. The $20 campaign will have the Highest Expected Price according to the calculations.
Profit Maker
Note: This strategy is available only for the Direct Call campaigns of the Call Logic platform.
The Profit Maker Ping Tree strategy allows you to achieve overall maximum profitability for the campaigns with the least remaining distribution time. The Profit Maker considers the campaign’s Highest Expected Price along with the available caps and hours remaining to sell leads and places campaigns in the Ping Tree based on it from the highest expected price to the lowest.

The following formula determines the highest expected price within the remaining distribution time:
(Min Price x Accept Rate) + (Available Caps / Remaining Hours)
Min Price: Campaign’s minimum price per lead.
Accept Rate: Campaign’s Accept Rate for the last seven days according to the Buyer’s Performance Summary (to view the report, go to the All Reports > Buyer Reports > Performance Summary section). In case there is no Accept Rate historical data, the default value is equal to 100%. It’s recommended to run a campaign for at least seven days before adding it to the Ping Tree with the Profit Maker strategy selected.
Available Caps: The number of available Send Post caps for a campaign per day either defined in the campaign “Schedule” settings or set in the “Caps Limit Factor” field. The formula will consider the setting with a lower value. In case there are no cap settings applied on the campaign level, or if you need to set a threshold on caps, it is possible to set the limit within the Ping Tree by filling the “Caps Limit Factor” field. The default value is set to 100.
If the “Caps Limit Factor” for the Ping Tree is set to 50, and the campaign has 70 available caps for a day, the Ping Tree setting will override the campaign settings, and the Available Caps value in the formula will equal 50.
If the “Caps Limit Factor” for the Ping Tree is set to 50, and the campaign’s cap limit is set for 25, the campaign setting will override the Ping Tree setting, and the Available Caps value in the formula will equal 25.
To know more about how to set and configure the cap settings on the campaign level, read about the Campaign’s Schedule in the Knowledge Base.
Remaining Hours (calculated in minutes): The distribution time that is left for the day according to the system time zone.
In case the "Duration to Sell" feature is enabled for the campaign, it is considered in the formula. (Read about the Duration to Sell feature in the Knowledge Base)
=(Min Price x Accept Rate) + (Sold Leads / All Posts x 100 x Duration to Sell Price) + (Available Caps / Remaining Hours)
Min Price: Campaign’s minimum price per lead.
Accept Rate: Campaign’s Accept Rate for the last seven days according to the Buyer’s Performance Summary (to view the report, go to the All Reports > Buyer Reports > Performance Summary section). If Accept Rate data is not provided in summary, the default value is set to 100%. It’s recommended to run a campaign for at least seven days before adding it to the Ping Tree with the Profit Maker strategy selected.
Sold Leads: The number of sold leads that reached the Duration to Sell for the last seven days.
All Posts: The total number of posts for the last seven days.
"Duration to Sell" Price: The price set for the leads that reach Duration to Sell.
Available Caps: The number of available Send Post caps for a campaign per day either defined in the campaign “Schedule” settings or set in the “Caps Limit Factor” field. The formula will consider the setting with a lower value. In case there are no cap settings applied on the campaign level, or if you need to set a threshold on caps, it is possible to set the limit within the Ping Tree by filling the “Caps Limit Factor” field. The default value is set to 100.
If the “Caps Limit Factor” for the Ping Tree is set to 50, and the campaign has 70 available caps for a day, the Ping Tree setting will override the campaign settings, and the Available Caps value in the formula will equal 50.
If the “Caps Limit Factor” for the Ping Tree is set to 50, and the campaign’s cap limit is set for 25, the campaign setting will override the Ping Tree setting, and the Available Caps value in the formula will equal 25.
To know more about how to set and configure the cap settings on the campaign level, read about the Campaign’s Schedule in the Knowledge Base.
Remaining Hours (calculated in minutes): The distribution time left for the day according to the time zone.Example:
You have a campaign with the price set to $20, and 75% of the transferred calls are billable. This campaign has two remaining hours of operation and five available caps (billable calls it can accept). While another campaign has the $24 price, but only 60% of the calls transferred are billable. This campaign has five remaining hours of operation and eight available caps (billable calls it can accept). The call will be presented to the $20 campaign first to ensure that you reach maximum caps for the day to achieve maximum profitability.