Looking to learn about the Present & Do Not Present Lists feature? Check our guide to creating and using these lists to filter your leads.
The Present & Do Not Present Lists feature allows you to create Present or Do Not Present Lists and use them to filter leads based on the list of set parameters on the Buyer, Product, and Campaign levels.
Present and Do Not Present Lists (PL/DNPL) are applied to the Product field and contain a list of values for this field that the system will only accept or filter out based on it. When processing a lead, the system will compare the value sent in the set Product field with the list of values in the PL/DNPL. For PL, the system will only accept leads with the values matching values added to the PL. For DNPL, the system will filter out leads if there is a match with DNPL.
To manage and configure lists, go to the Client Management > Setup > Present & Do Not Present Lists section.
The Present & Do Not Present Lists section contains the following information:
ID: The unique identification number of the list.
Product: The name of the Product.
List Type: The type of the PL/DNPL list.
List Name: The name of the PL/DNPL list.
Field Name: The name of the field that is used as a filter.
List Size: The number of values for the selected field.
Auto-Update Frequency: The Auto-download setting frequency (in hours).
Allow API Access: The setting for the API access availability (Yes/No).
Creation Time: The date and time of the list creation.
Last Update Time: The date and time of the last update of the list.
Last Download Time: The date and time of the last auto-download action.
Campaigns: The list of the Campaigns that use the current PL/DNPL list.
You can narrow down the search results by using the following filters:
Product: Select the name of the Product.
Type: Select the type of the list.
Name: Enter the name of the list.
Auto-update: Select if the auto-update is enabled for the list.
Allow API Access: Select if the API access is enabled for the list.
Creation Time: Select the time range for the list creation.
Last Update Time: Select the time range for the last update of the list.
Campaigns: Mark the checkbox to display Campaigns for the record.
To add a new PL/DNPL list, click the “Add new list” button and fill the following fields:
PL/DNPL List Name: Enter the name of the list.
Product: Select the name of the Product.
Apply To Field: Select the name of the field that will be used as a filter.
List Type: Select the type of the list (PL/DNPL).
Click the “Add” button to proceed.
To add and configure the values of the field for PL/DNPL, click the “Values” button in the “Actions” column and choose the option from the drop-down list:
Set values: Select the option to configure values from the existing list.
Note: You can edit and delete values from the list if your list is smaller than 100,000 values. If your list is larger than 100,000 values, you can upload new data from the file, and it will override the current list values.

Append values: Select the option to manually add values to the list or upload values from the file. To upload values from the file, select the “NO, larger than 100,000” option and click the “Continue” button to proceed.

Edit values: Select the option to be redirected to the page to add and edit values.
This section contains the following information:
Value: The name of the value.
Created Date: The date of creation.
Expiration Date: The date of expiration.
To narrow down the search results, enter the name of the value into the “Search for a Value” filter field.
To add a new value, click the “Add new value” button and fill the following fields:
Value: Enter the value of the field that the system will use to filter leads.
Expire this value on: Select the expiration date of this filter.
Click the “Add” button to proceed.

To edit the value, click the “Edit Value” button in the “Action” column.
To delete the value from the list, click the “Delete” button in the “Action” column.
To configure the “Automation & API,” click the corresponding button in the “Actions” column and choose the option from the drop-down list:
Configure Auto-Download: This option allows setting up the auto-download. You may configure the PL/DNPL to auto-download data from a specific URL and append it to current values or overwrite the current values. Mark the checkbox in the “Enable Auto-Download” field and click the “Save” button to proceed.
“Configure API Access”: This option allows you to set up the API Access. Switch the toggle to the left side to Enable API Access, click the “Generate” button to generate an API key. Enter IPs to allow access only from the particular IP list. Click the “Save” button to save the progress. To view the details, including the format and response examples, click the “Show API Posting Instructions” button.

To configure PL/DNPL list settings, click the “Setup” button in the “Actions” column. Fill in the required fields and click the “Edit” button to save.
To remove the list, click the “Delete” button in the “Actions” column and confirm it in the pop-up window.
The “Block by State” tab allows you to set rules to block leads from the particular states for all Product Campaigns.
To add a new rule, click the “Add new rule” button and select the Product and the State from the drop-down lists. As soon as a rule is created, all leads from the selected state will not be posted to any Campaign for the selected Product.
To delete the rule from the system, click the “Delete” button in the “Action” column.
The list of the rules contains the following information:
ID: The unique identification number of the rule.
Product: The name of the Product.
State: The name and code of the state.