Check our quick guide to the Price Reject Analysis section and find out how to review and group lead data with the price reject.
The “Price Reject Analysis” report allows you to view detailed information about the rejects summary of the price-reject data.
You can group the report by Buyer, Date, Campaign, or Publisher using the “Group by Buyer”, “Group by Date”, “Group by Campaign”, “Group by Publisher”, and “Group By Hour” tabs, view detailed information about the leads with price reject, the outbid, and compare the price reject data by the selected date ranges.
To view the report, go to the Analytics and Optimization > Performance Tools > Price Reject Analysis section.
Group by Buyer
The “Group by Buyer” tab contains the price reject data grouped by the Buyer.

To view information about the price reject grouped by the Buyer, Date, Campaign, Publisher, Hour or the “Comparison” tab, use the “Group by Buyer,” “Group by Date,” “Group by Campaign,”, “Group by Publisher” or “Group By Hour” tabs to compare the two selected periods.
Depending on the selected tab, the following information will be displayed:
Buyer: The name of the related Buyer (available only on the “Group by Buyer” and the “Group by Campaign” tabs).
Campaign: The name of the Campaign (available only on the “Group by Campaign” tab).
Campaign Tags: The name of the Campaign Tag (available only on the “Group by Campaign” tab).
Date: The date of the lead processing (available only on the “Group by Date” tab).
Publisher: The Publisher’s name (available only on the “Group by Publisher” tab).
Hour: The particular hour.
Product: The name of the Product.
Post Price: The minimum price for the Campaign.
Offer Price: The price for the lead offered by the Buyer.
Posts: The number of lead posts.
Offers: The number of offers.
Offer Rate: The ratio of offers to posts.
%/Offer/Tier: The percentage of offers for the selected period.
Success: The total number of sold price rejects.
Win Rate: The ratio of total sales to the number of offers.
TTL: The total revenue.
Redirect: The total amount of price rejects redirected to a different Campaign.
% Redirect: The ratio of total sales to the redirected sales.
Lower: The total number of price rejects sold at a lower price than the Offer Price.
% of Lower: The ratio of total sales to the lower price sales.
Higher: The total number of price-rejects sold at a higher price than the Offer Price.
% of Higher: The ratio of the total sales to the higher-priced sales.
Conflict: The number of price-rejected leads that weren't sold to any Buyers.
% of Conflict: The ratio of complete sales to the number of unsold leads.
Not Post: The total number of price-rejects that were not sold to the Campaign at a lower price after receiving a price-reject status.
Reject: The total number of price-rejects where the buyer did not respond as a Reject, Price-Reject, or Sold (The most common option is an error).
Error: The total number of errors that caused Price-Reject.
Timeout: The total number of timeouts.
Pub Offer: The number of Publisher offers.
Pub Repost: The number of Publisher reposts.
Pub Offer&Repost Win Rate: The ratio of the Pub Offer to the Pub Repost rates between the selected periods.
Immediate: The number of immediate sends.
You can narrow down the search results by the following filters:
Date: Select the date range of the report.
Product: Select the Product from the drop-down list.
Price Reject Buyer: Select the Buyer from the drop-down list.
Price Reject Buyer Campaign: Select the Campaign from the drop-down list.
Buyer Tags: Select the Buyer Tag.
Campaign Tags: Select the Campaign Tag.
Publisher: Select the Publisher from the drop-down list.
Hide Offer Price: Check the box to hide the “Offer Price” field.
Click the “Search” button to generate a report.
The “Details” tab contains detailed data on each lead posted to a price-reject campaign.

The “Details” report contains the following information:
ID: The unique identification number of the price-rejected lead.
Status: The status of the lead.
Product: The name of the Product.
Publisher: The name of the Publisher.
Email: The email address of the Lead.
State: The state of the Lead.
User IP: The IP address of the Lead.
Min Price: The min price of the Campaign.
Publisher Repost Price: The price of the Lead repost from the Publisher’s side in case the price offered by the Buyer is less than the revenue set in the Publisher’s Rev-Share settings.
Post Price: The initial price of the post.
Offer Date: The date when the Buyer’s offer was received.
Offer Buyer: The name of the Buyer that was given an offer.
Offer Campaign: The name of the Campaign that was given an offer.
Offer Campaign Tags: The name of the Campaign Tag.
Offer Price: The price for the Lead offered by the Buyer.
Tier: The price for the Lead requested from the Publisher.
Sold Id: The unique identification number of the sold Lead.
Sold Min Price: The price of the sold Lead.
Sold Date: The date of the lead sale.
Sold Buyer: The Buyer who purchased the lead.
Sold Campaign: The Campaign for which the lead was sold.
Sold Campaign Tags: The name of the Campaign Tag.
Sold Price: The price of the sold Lead.
Post Id: The unique identification number of the Lead if it was posted to a Campaign before selling.
Post Date: The Lead post-processing date.
Processing Time: The Lead processing time (in seconds).
Post Status: The status of the post.
You can narrow down the search results by using the following filters:
Date: Select the date range of the report.
Product: Select the Product from the drop-down list.
Publisher: Select the related Publisher from the drop-down list.
Price Reject Buyer: Select the Buyer from the drop-down list.
Price Reject Buyer Campaign: Select the Campaign from the drop-down list.
Price Reject Buyer Campaign Tags: Select the Buyer’s Campaign Tag from the drop-down list.
Sold Buyer Campaign Tags: Select the Sold Buyer’s Campaign Tag from the drop-down list.
Status: Select the status of the price-reject processing.
Post status: Select the status of the post.
Post price: Enter the price for the post.
Offer price: Enter the price for the offer.
Check the “Show Immediate Only,” “Show Publisher Offer Only,” “Show Publisher Repost Only,” or “Show Redirect Only” boxes to filter the list.
Click the “Search” button to generate a report.
Outbid Post
The “Outbid Post” tab allows you to generate a list of the rejected leads.

The Outbid Post report contains the following information:
Creation Datetime: The date and time of the Lead creation.
Process Datetime: The date and time of the Lead processing.
Status: The status of the Lead.
Lead ID: The unique identification number of the Lead.
Email: The email address of the Lead.
Bid Price: The price offered by the Buyer during the price-reject.
Outbid Amount: The price of the Lead sold to another Buyer after receiving a price-reject from the first Buyer.
Product: The name of the Product.
Buyer: The name of the Buyer.
Campaign: The name of the Campaign.
Campaign Tags: The name of the Campaign Tag.
Integration: The name of the integration related to the Lead.
To view the records log, click the “Log” button in the “Action” column.
You can narrow down the search results by using the following filters:
Lead ID: Enter the unique identification number of the lead.
Date: Select the date range of the report
Product: Select the Product from the drop-down list.
Buyer: Select the Buyer from the drop-down list.
Campaign: Select the Campaign from the drop-down list.
Campaign Tags: Select the Campaign tag from the drop-down list.
Status: Select the status of the Lead.
Outbid Type: Select the outbid type from the drop-down list (Outbid, Publisher Min Price Conflict):
Outbid: When the Lead is sold to the second Buyer at a higher price than the first Buyer offered. The first Buyer will be able to get the information about the processing of the particular Lead.
- Publisher Min Price Conflict: When the Lead has not been sold to the Publisher because the offered price was less than the Min Price of the Lead set by the Publisher.
The “Comparison” tab allows you to generate a comparison report for two or more selected periods based on the price-reject summary data.

The “Comparison” report contains the following information:
Buyer: The name of the Buyer.
Product: The name of the Product.
Post Price: The minimum price for the Campaign.
Offer Price: The price of the lead offered by the Buyer.
Posts: The comparison of the number of the lead posts between the selected periods.
Offers: The number of offers compared between the selected periods.
% Offer/Tier: The percentage of offers compared between the selected periods.
Success: The comparison of the total number of sold price-rejects between the selected periods.
Win Rate: The comparison ratio of the complete sales to the number of offers between the selected date ranges.
TTL: The comparison amount the Buyer has paid between the selected date ranges.
Redirect: The comparison of the total number of price rejects redirected to the different Campaigns between the selected date ranges.
% Redirect: The comparison ratio of complete sales in redirected sales between the selected date ranges.
Lower: The comparison of the total number of price-rejects sold at a lower price than the Offer Price between the selected date ranges.
% of Lower: The percentage ratio of complete sales in sales at a lower price for comparison between the selected date ranges.
Higher: The comparison of the total number of price-rejects sold at a higher price than the Offer Price between the selected date ranges.
% of Higher: The comparison ratio of the complete sales to the sales at a higher price between the selected date ranges.
Conflict: The comparison number of price-rejected leads that weren't sold to any Buyer between the selected date ranges.
% of Conflict: The comparison ratio of complete sales to the number of unsold leads between the selected date ranges.
Not Post: The comparison of the total number of price-rejects that were not sold for the Campaign at a lower price after receiving a price-reject status between the selected date ranges.
Reject: The comparison of the total number of price-rejects where the buyer did not respond as Reject, Price-Reject, or Sold (The most common option is an error) between the selected date ranges.
Error: The comparison of the total number of errors that caused the Price-Reject between the selected date ranges.
Timeout: The comparison of the total number of timeouts between the selected date ranges.
Pub Offer: The comparison of the Publisher offers between the selected date ranges.
Pub Repost: The comparison of the Publisher reposts between the selected date ranges.
PubOffer&Repost Win Rate: The ratio of the Pub Offer to the Pub Repost rates between the selected date ranges.
Immediate: The comparison of the immediate sends between the selected date ranges.
You can narrow down the search result by using the following filters:
Calendar A: Select the date range for comparison for Calendar A.
Calendar B: Select the date range for comparison for Calendar B.
Add Periods: Select the “Yes” option to add two additional calendars (the “Calendar C” and the “Calendar D” filter fields).
Current Time: Select the “Yes” option to summarize the data up to the current time for each selected date within the date range.
Show Percentage: Check the box to display the performance difference in percentage values for the selected date ranges for each of the selected data columns in the report.
Product: Select the Product from the drop-down list.
Price Reject Buyer: Select the Buyer from the drop-down list.
Price Reject Buyer Campaign: Select the Buyer Campaign from the drop-down list.
Buyer Tags: Select the Buyer Tag from the drop-down list.
Campaign Tags: Select the Campaign Tag from the drop-down list.
Publisher: Select the Publisher from the drop-down list.
Hide Offer Price: Check the box to hide the “Offer Price” field.