Public documents

Wondering if you can store legal documents in the Phonexa system? Check our quick guide to Public documents for detailed instructions.

You can store your legal documents in our system. They can be accessed either through the system directly by navigating to the "Company Policies" subsection of the "Legal Documents" section, or they can be pulled by an external system using a URL.

Phonexa comes with the capability to store your legal documents. They can be accessed either through the system directly by navigating to the "Company Policies" subsection of the "Legal Documents" section, or they can be pulled by an external system using a simple URL.

As of now, we provide the ability to view and edit existing documents. If you require a new document to be uploaded into the system, please contact your account manager.

To integrate a document into your website, simply link to it in this manner:


The number '1' at the end of the URL is the ID with which the document is stored inside your Phonexa installation. Please replace it with the ID of the document that you wish to display.

The documents support placeholders which allow you to customize the display of your document to your particular scenario. The available placeholders are:

  • site_url

  • site_name

If you'd like to take advantage of this feature, instead of hard coding the domain and site name in the documents, use the placeholders in this fashion:

"You are visiting {site_name} at {site_url} because…."

When you need to pull the document in a real-time with varying values, please use this syntax:
Link example



Let's break down the above example:

The "https://{YOUR_CONTROL_PANEL_LINK}/docs/public/get?" part will always stay the same.

The "tail" of the URL contains several variables:

  • ID=4

  • r[site_url]

  • r[site_name]=My%20Site%20Title

The ID of the document is 4, the site's URL to be replaced in the document is, and the site's title will display as My Site Title. As you may have noticed, the site_name's value contains some special characters. This is referred to as URL encoding - special values such as spaces, certain symbols, etc. require to be URL-encoded.

PHP example

$data = @file_get_contents('https://{YOUR_CONTROL_PANEL_LINK}/docs/public/get?id=4&r[site_url][site_name]=My%20Site%20Title');
if (!empty($data)) {
echo $data;

This example uses the same base URL and variables, but based on the visitor's browser configuration will either display the document in the browser itself, or prompt the user to download the document to their computer.