Discover how to optimize the usage of Publisher’s Website in our short guide to the Publisher Analytics: Publisher Website Analytics report.
The Publisher Website Analytics report displays detailed data for purposes of understanding and optimizing usage of Publisher’s Website.
The Publisher Website Analytics report displays detailed data for purposes of understanding and optimizing usage of Publisher’s Website. To view the report go to the Analytics and Optimization > Publisher Analytics > Publisher Website Analytics section.
To find a specific record in the list fill in the filter fields (Date / Publisher Agent / Publisher / Publisher Channel / Creative Type / Product / Keyword) and click the “Search” button.

The list contains a total of 12 columns, which can be customized individually by clicking “12 selected” button on the top of the list:
Visit Time - the time of the first customer activity on the website, which equals to the time when the record was added in the system
First / Last Referrer - web page addresses of the first and last customer activity
Current Site - web page address of current client activity
Publisher - the website owner name
Product - the Product Name
Creative Type (FORM / SITE)
Creative Name - the name of the form or site customized by Publisher
Creative Template - the name of the related template in the system
Form ID - id number of the form or site
Channel - the name of the Publisher’s Channel
Keyword - keywords related to the record to simplify the search.