Publisher management adjustment makes it easier to see, sort, and add changes to the publisher payouts in the system.
The Adjustment section allows you to add and view all of the adjustments made for the publisher’s payouts in the system grouped by period.
To view the list, go to the Publisher Management > Adjustment section.
The list contains the following information:
- ID: The payout number in the system.
- Date: The date the adjustment is made.
- Publisher: The name of the publisher the payout is made for.
- Amount: The adjustment amount.
- Description: The additional information about the payout.
You can narrow down the list by using the following filters:
- Filter Date: Select the preferable period.
- Publisher: Select the specific publisher.
To add a new adjustment to the publisher payout, click the “Add Adjustment” button, and fill in the following information in the pop-up window:
- Publisher: Select the Publisher from the list.
- Adjustment Date: Select the adjustment date.
- Adjustment Amount: Fill in the positive number to increase the publisher payout total. To reduce a payout total, use a negative number.
- Description: Fill in the additional information for the adjustment record.
Click the “Create” button to complete.
To view the adjusted payout details, click the “View Payout” button in the “Actions” column.
To delete the adjustment record from the list, click the “Delete” button in the “Actions” column. It is possible to delete the adjustment record only if the payout is not paid yet.