Publisher management balance enables you to monitor the current balance and status of each publisher in the system.
The Balance section allows you to view the current balance of each publisher in the system.
To access the report, go to the Publisher Management > Balance section.

The list contains the following information:
Publisher: The name of the Publisher in the system.
Status: The status of the Publisher (Active / Disabled).
Balance: The total balance amount for the current moment (updated once per day). Once the payouts are done, the balance is automatically reduced.
Pay Period: The payout frequency set for the selected Publisher (Biweekly / Manual / Monthly / Semi-Monthly / Weekly).
Hold: The set hold period for the Publisher’s payouts.
Threshold: To set the threshold amount for the payout processing, select the Publisher from the list and click the threshold button. Fill in the minimum threshold amount in the pop-up window and click the “Update” button. Note: If no minimum threshold is set, it will default to what was set as a threshold limit under the "Payment Thresholds" tab of the Account > Settings section.
Payout Type: The payment method.
PDF Template: The selected payout template. To change the PDF Template type, make a selection in the “New Template” drop-down list.
The “Default” template is selected as the primary setting.
Select the “Default with Payment Details” option to display the Payment Details information in the template.
Select the “Default with Count Column” option to remove the Count column from the template.
Select the “Default with Adjustment Details” option to display the Adjustment details in the template.
Click the “Update” button to complete.

You can narrow down the search results by using the following filters:
Publisher: Select the specific Publisher.
Pay Period: Select the payout frequency set for the Publisher (Biweekly / Manual / Monthly / Semi-Monthly / Weekly).
- Payout Type: Select the payment method.