The Payouts section allows you to view, manage and create the Publisher payouts.
To access the payouts section, go to the Publisher Management > Payouts section.

The “Payouts By Period” tab allows you to view all of the Publisher payouts in the system displayed by period. The list contains the following information:
ID: The number assigned to the client for the payout record in the system.
Number: The assigned payout number.
Date: The date the payout document is created.
Paid At: The date when the payout was "Marked as Paid".
Status: The status of the payout.
Publisher: The name of the Publisher the payout is for.
Amount: The total amount of the payout.
Type: The chosen payout method.
Broker: The payment system broker.
Period: The period the Publisher has paid for.
Prior: The previous period.
You can narrow down the search results by using the following filters:
Filter Date: Select the date range for the report.
Publisher: Select the specific Publisher.
Paid Status: Select the payout status (Pending / Paid).
Payment Type: Select the payment method.
Broker: Select the payment system broker.
To view detailed information about the specific payout records, select the payout from the list, and click the “View Details” button in the “Actions” column. To print or preview the payout blank, click the “Print Preview” button in the pop-up window.

To mark the payout blank as paid, select the record from the list, and click the “Mark As Paid” button in the “Actions” column. Fill in the following information in the pop-up window:
Payment Type: Select the corresponding payment method from the drop-down list.
Description: Fill in the additional information.
To send the copy of the payout blank to the Publisher, tick the “Send Email with PDF to Publisher” point. Click the “Save and Mark As Paid” button to complete.

To adjust the amount set for the payout, select the payout record from the list and click the “Adjustment” button in the “Actions'' column. Fill in the following information in the pop-up window:
Adjustment Date: Select the specific date for the payout amount adjustment.
Amount: Fill in the amount you would like to add to the payout total. To reduce the payout amount, use the negative number.
Description: Fill in the additional information for the adjustment record.
To round up the payout amount, tick the “Add Inverted Transaction” checkbox. The odd amount will be added to the next payout period.
Click the “Add Adjustment” button to complete.

To delete the payout document from the list, select the record from the list and click the “Delete” button in the “Actions” column. Confirm the action in the pop-up window by clicking the “Delete” button once again.

The “Payouts By Month” tab displays the Publisher payouts list filtered by period and grouped by month. The list contains the following information:
ID: The number assigned to the client for the payout record in the system.
Number: The assigned payout number.
Bill Date: The date when the Publisher was paid.
Created: The date the payout record is created.
Status: The status of the payout.
Publisher: The name of the Publisher the payout is for.
Amount: The total amount of the payout.
Type: The chosen payout method.
Period: The period the Publisher is paid for.
Paid At: The date when the payout was "Marked as Paid".
You can narrow down the search results by using the following filters:
Filter Bill Date: Select the date the Publisher is paid.
Publisher: Select the specific Publisher.
Paid Status: Select the payout status (Pending / Paid).
Payment Type: Select the payment method.
To view more detailed information on the specific payout, select the record from the list and click the “View Details” button in the “Actions” column.

The “Batch Payouts” tab allows you to create multiple payouts for a specific Publisher in batches. To load data into the Publishers’ list, select the “Current Payout Date” in the filter block and click the “Show” button. The list contains the following information:
Publisher: The name of the Publisher in the system.
Transactions: The number of Publisher’s transactions.
Amount: The total amount available for the payout.
Is Payable: The indicator displays if the amount is available for the payout.
Frequency: The frequency of the Publisher’s payouts.
Hold: The hold period for the Publisher’s payouts.
Type: The chosen payment method.
Period: The period the Publisher is paid for.
You can narrow down the search results by using the following filters:
Current Payout Date: Select the current date payout date.
Publisher: Select the specific Publisher.
Is Payable: Select if the payout is payable.
Frequency: Select the set frequency for the Publisher’s payouts.
To create a batch payout, select the Publisher from the list and click the “Create Payout” button in the “Actions” column. Select the transactions from the list in the pop-up window by day and click the “Create” button.