The Publisher management reports section enables you to all sales reports of publishers and sort them by period, publisher or channel.
The Reports section allows you to view the sales report of your publishers grouped by period, by the publisher, and by channel.
To access the reports, go to the Publisher Management > Reports section. The reports display the current month data by default.

The “Sales by Period” tab allows you to view the sales report grouped by each date/week/month of the selected period. The list contains the following data:
Period: The date from the selected period.
Transactions: The number of transactions for the selected date.
Amount: The total sales amount for the selected date.
You can narrow down the search results by using the following filters:
Filter Date: Select the date range for the report.
Filter Group: Select the filter group (By Day, By Week, By Month). The list is generated by day by default.
Publisher: Select the publisher from the list.
Filter Type: Select the filter type.
The “Sales by Publisher” tab allows you to view the sales report grouped by each publisher. The list contains the following information:
Publisher: The name of the publisher in the system.
Transactions: The number of transactions for the specific publisher and the selected period.
Amount: The total sales amount of the specific publisher for the chosen period.
You can narrow down the search results by using the following filters:
Filter Date: Select the date range for the report.
Publishers: Select the publisher from the list.
Filter Type: Select the filter type.
The “Sales by Channel” tab allows you to view the sales report grouped by publisher channels. The “Default” channel is displayed by default. The list contains the following information.
Channel: The name of the publisher channel in the system.
Transactions: The number of transactions for the specific channel for the selected period.
Amount: The total sales amount of the specific channel for the chosen period.
You can narrow down the search results by using the following filters:
Filter Date: Select the date range for the report.
Publishers: Select the publisher from the list.
Filter Type: Select the filter type.