Here’s how you can use the Publisher Report: Publisher Form CTR section to check the number of impressions, conversion efficiency, and more.
The Publisher Form CTR section provides a traffic conversion efficiency report. You can check the click-through rate, unique impressions, the number and percentage of the redirected leads, e.g.
To view the Publisher Form CTR report, go to the Analytics and Optimization > Publisher Analytics > Publisher Form CTR section.
You can narrow down the search results by using the following filters:
Date: Select the date range for your report.
Publisher Agent: Select the publisher agent name from the drop-down list.
Publisher: Select the publisher name from the drop-down list.
Publisher Channel: Select the publisher channel from the drop-down list.
Product: Select the product name from the drop-down list.
Form: Select the name of the form from the drop-down list.
Template: Select the template name from the drop-down list.
The Publisher Form CTR Report list contains the following information:
Date: The selected date range.
Publisher: The name of the publisher (link to publisher’s profile).
Channel: The name of the publisher channel.
Keyword: The value of the keyword parameter.
Form: The name of the form.
Template: The name of the template (link to a report with only this template).
Impression: The number of impressions from the form.
Unique: The impressions calculated for the selected date. The multiple unique impressions from the same user but on the same day are considered as one unique impression. If this user visits the form again the following day, it will be considered as another unique impression. The unique impressions report displays the visitors’ activity with your form.
CTR (Unique), %: The click-through rate (Leads/Unique = CTR).
Leads: The total number of leads.
Sold: The number of sold leads.
Reject: The number of rejected leads.
Redirect, %: The percentage of redirected leads.
EPL: The earning per lead amount of the Publisher.
ALP: The average per lead amount of the Publisher.
Pub: The total Publisher`s earnings amount.
ADM: The Admin payment amount.
TTL: The total amount.
Ref: The referral payment.
AGN: The agent payment.
Completion (AVG): The average completion time.
Processing (AVG): The average processing time.
The Publisher Form CTR section provides a traffic conversion efficiency report.
Note: to obtain accurate data for the report, the Tracking Code must be installed on the website.
You can change the format of the report by switching between “Do not group”, "By channels”, "Group by Templates" and "By Form" tabs.
Note: The report may display incorrect numbers if it is used for Public Feeds because the leads on these feeds, the publisher, sources, and other tracking parameters can be changed.