The “Publisher Website CTR” section provides a traffic conversion efficiency report. You can use different tabs to group the data in the report or filter it with appropriate fields.
Note: To obtain accurate data for the report, the Tracking Code must be installed on the website.
To view the “Publisher Website CTR” report, go to the Analytics and Optimization > Publisher Analytics > Publisher Website CTR section.
You can use “By Date” and “By Site” tabs to group the data in the report by Date or by Site.
We recommend using the “By Site” tab for more accurate data.

To generate a detailed report, use the next filter fields:
Date - select the date range of the report;
Publisher Agent - select the name of the Publisher Agent;
Publisher - select the name of the Publisher;
Publisher Channel - select the name of the Publisher Channel (available only when the Publisher is selected from the drop-down list);
Product - select the name of the Product.
Click the “Search” button to proceed.
The main block contains the following information:
Date - the day from the selected period;
Site - the name of the site for which CTR is calculated;
Total Sessions - the number of sessions for the current date (only one unique session is counted for the current day period, even when the users visit the same website/form multiple times. If this user visits the website/form again the following day, it will count as another unique session. The report for total sessions shows the activities of your website/form visitors);
Total Pageviews - the total number of pageviews on the website or form;
Unique Form Pageviews - the number of the unique form openings;
Form Pageviews - the number of the form openings;
Total CTR, % (Click-Through Rate) - the percentage ratio of the number of leads that your website receives to the number of times your ad is shown: leads ÷ Total Sessions * 100%;
Leads - the number of leads that your website receives;
Sold - the number of the sold leads;
Reject - the number of the rejected leads;
Redirect - the number and the percentage ratio of the redirected leads;
EPL (Earning Per Lead) - the amount, which Publisher earned per lead;
ALP (Average Per Lead) - the average amount, which Publisher earned per lead;
PUB - Publisher`s earnings;
ADM - Admin payment;
TTL - the total payment for lead;
REF - Referral payment;
AGN - Agent payment.
In order to track Total Sessions and Total Pageviews in the report, you need to set up the Tracking Widget on all pages of the website, except for the pages that contain a JS form. To get the Tracking Widget code, go to the Publisher Management > Promo Materials > Website Widget section.