Publisher Report: Redirects Summary

Use the “Publisher Redirects Summary” report to assess the success rates of redirects to buyer URLs and identify areas for improvement.

Publishers collaborate with various buyers to redirect leads to their websites for sales. The Redirects Summary report helps publishers monitor the performance of these redirects to ensure they are efficiently guiding traffic to buyers’ URLs.

To view the report, go to the All Reports > Publisher Reports > Redirects Summary section. 

Redirects Summary Report

The Redirects Summary list contains the following information:

  • Date: The date when the redirects were made.
  • Publisher: The name of the publisher.
  • Hour: The hour during which the redirects occurred.
  • Success: The total number of successful redirects.
  • Failed: The total number of failed redirects.
  • Total: The combined total of successful and failed redirects.
  • Pub: The revenue generated from successful redirects.
  • Percent (Redirect Success Rate): The success rate percentage based on the total redirects.

2-May-21-2024-05-51-06-0389-PMYou can view the report grouped by the following criteria:

  • Group by Date
  • Online
  • Group by Hour
  • Group by Publisher
  • Group by Tier

Report filters

You can narrow down the search results by using the following filters:

  • Date: Select the date range for the report.
  • Product: Select the Product.
  • Publisher Agent: Select the Publisher Agent.
  • Publisher: Select the Publisher.
  • Publisher Source: Select the Publisher Source.
  • Publisher Channel: Select the Publisher Channel.
  • Period : Select the period (5 min / 10 min / 30 min / 1 hour) (Online tab only).
  • Min Price: Enter the minimum price of the redirect (Group by Tier tab only).

Click the “Search” button to generate the report.