Registration page for publishers

You can view the detailed instruction on how to create and implement your custom form for the affiliates recruiting and how to proceed with the Publisher Registration using Documents.

If you prefer to recruit affiliates using your own form, here are the instructions on how to implement it:

1. Create the HTML form

Set the form's action attribute to https://[YOUR_DOMAIN]/auth/register (where [YOUR_DOMAIN] is the domain your instance of LMS SYNC or Call Logic points to).

Form fields:
⚠ Fields in bold are required

RegisterForm["login"] - (desired user nickname, to be displayed in report filters and results)
RegisterForm["email"] - publisher's email address, to be used as the system login, must be unique in the system)
RegisterForm["password"] - (must be longer than 5 characters)
RegisterForm["password2"] - (confirmation password)

Retrieving values for the ''webmasterAgentId'' field:

Submit a request to https://[YOUR_DOMAIN]/api/webmasters/get-agent

Grab the corresponding ID from the returned JSON.

Set webmasterAgentId to the ID associated with your affiliate manager returned in the JSON.

HTML form:

2. Validate the fields and submit the form using an AJAX request

JavaScript / AJAX response handling:

💡 Upon successful submission, the server response will contain a status with a value of "success"

3. Publisher Registration using Documents


  1. Go to the link https://[SYSTEM_DOMAIN]/reference/project?Current-tab[0]=%23wmsetting (section Registration Process)

  2. The Enable Documents In Registration field authorizes the activation of the documents to be used during registration. The options are: Yes and No.

  3. The Use Documents on System Publisher Registration Form is meant to be used within Publisher Registration Form on https://[SYSTEM_DOMAIN]/auth/registration page (hereinafter the REGISTRATION FORM)

  4. The Documents field lists the documents that will be displayed to the user in the REGISTRATION FORM with which they agree when signing up in the system.

  5. The Allow Use Documents On Web Pages section lists the URLs that can request the list or any specific document.

Using Documents on the Publisher Registration Form:

1. To display the documents you need:

  • Set Enable Documents In Registration to Yes.

  • Set Use Documents on System Publisher Registration Form to Yes.

  • At least one document is to be selected in the Documents field.

2. New user documents will appear in the signed list (https://[SYSTEM_DOMAIN]/doc/document-internal-signed) after:

  • They confirm their registration by following the confirmation link delivered to their email (https://[SYSTEM_DOMAIN]/auth/confirm?key={GENERATED_KEY}).

  • Approval on the page https://[SYSTEM_DOMAIN]/user/preregister

Registration from external sites:

1. External systems can receive a list of documents by making a request to the address https://[SYSTEM_DOMAIN]/document-sign/list-for-publisher

  • If the referrer specified in the request is not listed in the Allow Use Documents On Web Pages, the request will come back as Forbidden with the status 403

  • If Enable Documents In Registration is set to No and referrer specified in the request is listed in the Allow Use Documents On Web Pages, the response to the request will be a JSON block ([]).

  • With the JSON block response the following information about the document can be provided:

  • {DOCUMENT_VERSION_ID} - ID version documents (used for sending the form for registration).

  • {DOCUMENT_VERSION_TITLE} - Document name.

  • {DOCUMENT_VIEW_LINK} - Link to obtain document content.

2. External sites can receive the contents of a document (html) by requesting the address https://[SYSTEM_DOMAIN]/document-sign/view-publisher-document?Id={DOCUMENT_VERSION_ID}.3. External sites can send a list of the signed documents that include other required fields in the POST request at https://[SYSTEM_DOMAIN]/auth/register:

  • RegisterForm [documentHashList] [] = {DOCUMENT_VERSION_ID_1}

  • RegisterForm [documentHashList] [] = {DOCUMENT_VERSION_ID_2}