Return/Adjustment Summary (Publisher)

The “Return/Adjustment Summary (Publisher)” report allows you to analyze returns by source to evaluate the effectiveness of various sources.

To view the report, go to the All Reports > Extras > Return/Adjustment Summary (Publisher) section.


The report data is separated into six tabs: Group by Publisher, Group by Date, Do not Group, Group by Channel, Group by Source, and Group by Product.

You can narrow down the search results by using the following filters:

  • Date: Select the date range of the report.
  • Product: Select the Product.
  • Publisher Agent: Select the Publisher Agent.
  • Publisher: Select the Publisher.
  • Publisher label: Select the Publisher Label(s).
  • Publisher Phone Number: Select the Publisher Phone Number (Call Logic only).
  • Publisher Channel: Select the Publisher Channel.
  • Publisher Source: Select the Publisher Source.
  • Method: Select the method of the data collection (POST/FORM/PHONE (Call Logic only)).
  • Channel Lable: Select the Channel Lable.
  • Publisher Tags: Select the Publisher Tag(s).

Depending on the tab, the “Return/Adjustment Summary” list contains the following information: 

  • Publisher: The unique identification number and name of the Publisher.
  • Date: The date of the adjustment/lead return.
  • Channel: The name of the Publisher channel.
  • Source: The Publisher’s source.
  • Product: The name of the Product.
  • Publisher Tags: The list of tags assigned to the Publisher.
  • Adj Count: The number of adjustments.
    Note: The adjustments in this column count as one per lead. That means if there are a couple of adjustments done in one lead, the value would be still [1]. 
  • Adj Amount, $: The total adjustments amount.
  • Pub, $: The total Publisher’s earning amount.
    Note: This column allows you to view the Publisher’s performance after the result of the adjustment. If the adjustment decreases the Publisher’s balance, the system will show the red color number in hooks.  
  • Adj Amount Partner, $: The total revenue.
  • TTL, $: The Buyer’s total revenue.
    Note: This column allows you to view the Buyer’s performance after the result of the adjustment. If the adjustment decreases the Buyer’s balance, the system will show the red color number in hooks.
  • Ref, $: The referral payment.
  • AGN, $: The agent payment.


On the X date, if the "Pub" column displays $54.60, highlighted in red color that means the Publisher owes $54.60 in terms of adjustment. In the "Adj Amount" column, the system displays the same total amount of adjustments.

On the Y date, The "Pub" column displays $129.20 in black color. That means the Publisher's amount increases due to the adjustment. In the "Adj Amount" column, the system displays the same total amount of adjustments.

Thus in "Totals", the "Pub" column allows you to understand whether the balance of the Publisher went into minus or plus.