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Saved Reports
Check our short guide on how to find, view, and manage specific Saved Reports from different sections.
The “Saved Reports” section allows you to review saved reports from different sections and manage them. To view the Saved Reports list go to the Home > All Reports > Saved Reports section.
To search for a specific saved report use the next filter fields:
Name - the saved report name;
Type - the type of saved report (Performance/ Performance Exam/ Conversion/ Conversion Status/ Clicks/ Goals/ Offer caps).
The Saved Reports list displays the next data columns:
ID - identification number of saved report;
Date - date of creating;
Name - the saved report name;
Type - the type of saved report (in which section is was created);
To rename the report click the “Edit” button
To delete the report click the “Delete” button in the “Actions” column.