Here is how you can use the Tickets section to find, view, download or edit the status of any ticket in the Phonexa system.
The Tickets section displays all tickets from users in the system. This section includes information such as Ticket ID, Ticket Status, Date of Creation, recipient, categories of the ticket, and messages within the correspondence. To find the tickets go to the Support > Tickets section.

This section includes information such as Ticket ID, Ticket Status, Date of Creation, recipient, categories of the ticket, and messages within the correspondence.
Use the following filter fields to generate a required ticket list:
Ticket ID - ticket identification number
Author - creator of the ticket
Ticket Status - current ticket’s status
Category - a category of the ticket
Manager - current manager of the ticket.
To edit the ticket status, click the “Change status” button in the “Actions” column. Fill in the data fields in the pop-up window and click the “Save” button to complete.

To download the tickets from the report in the “CSV” file click the “Export to CSV” button.
To review the history of the ticket click the “Show Thread” button and the system will redirect you to the ticket’s page.

Click the “Reply” button to answer the ticket. Fill in the “Message” field and click the “Save” button to complete.
Click the “Change Ticket Status” button to switch the ticket status.
Click the “Back to Tickets List” button to turn back to the “Tickets” section.