Wondering if you can view the communication with Phonexa’s support? Check our quick guide to the Tickets with Phonexa section.
In the Tickets with Phonexa section you can view the communication between Phonexa's client and Phonexa's support (account managers / technical specialists). You can create, view, reply, and close the ticket. This section displays client tickets in the system. To review the list of tickets, go to the Support > Tickets with Phonexa section.
This section includes information such as Ticket ID, Ticket Status, Date of Update, Subject, ticket groups, and quantity of messages within the correspondence.
To add a new ticket click the “Create a ticket” button. Fill in the data fields in the pop-up window and click the “Send” button to complete.
To review the history of the ticket click the “View” button and the system will redirect you to the ticket’s page.
Click the “Reply” button to answer the ticket. Fill in the “Message” field and click the “Send” button to complete.
Click the “Close” button to close the ticket.
Click the “Back to Tickets List” button to turn back to the “Tickets with Phonexa” section.