
The “Websites” report displays the list of websites you are tracking or planning to track.

Note: The page stats are based on the recorded sessions only.

To view the report, go to the System Management > Websites section.

The “Websites” list contains the following information:

  • Website Name: The name of the website.

  • Created At: The date of creation.

  • Status: The status of the website (Active, Disabled).

  • Sessions: The number of website visits by users.

  • Users: The number of users.

  • Pageviews: The number of pageviews on the website.

  • Account: The name of the account.

  • Domains: The name of the domain.

  • Favourite: To add the website to the “Favourite”, pin the icon so that it turns in yellow.

You can narrow down the search results by using the following filters:

  • Account: Select the account.

  • Website: Select the website.

  • Domains: Select the domain.

  • Status: Select the status (Active, Disabled, Deleted).

To install a tracker on a certain website, click the “</> Get Code” button, copy the script from the pop-up window and paste it into the web page or the website you want to track.

To edit the website, click the “Edit” button in the “Actions” column.

To delete the website, click the “Delete” button in the “Actions” column.

To configure the website, click the “Configure” button in the “Actions” column.

Privacy Settings

Exclude & Whitelist

Recording Controls

Privacy settings

The “Privacy settings” tab allows you to configure the following settings:

Switch the toggle “On” position to disable recording EU traffic.

Switch the toggle “On” position to anonymize visitor IP address.

Switch the toggle “On” position to disable keyboard shortcuts.

Switch the toggle “On” position to respect the do not track settings.

You can also exclude IP addresses from tracking by adding them to the appropriate field.

Exclude & Whitelist

The “Exclude & Whitelist” tab allows you to configure the following settings:

  • Exclude Countries: Add a CSS selector for a page element (HTML) to ensure tracking.

  • Whitelist Fields: Add a CSS selector for an input field to ensure that the user input will always be recorded.

  • Tracked Fields: Add a CSS selector for a page element (HTML) to ensure tracking in our heatmaps.

Click the “Open Visual Configuration Tool” button to exclude and/or pick specific input fields to whitelist and fill in the following fields in the pop-up window.

Enter the URL to launch the visual configuration tool on that page to select the content to exclude or fields to track and whitelist.

Recording Controls

The “Recording Controls” tab allows you to configure the following settings:

Switch the toggle “On” position to record pages.

Switch the toggle “On” position to enable trigger recording on the selected page.

Switch the toggle “On” position to set the maximum recording per month. Enter the maximum number of recordings per month in the corresponding field.

  • Recording Percentage: Select the percentage of user visits to be recorded.

  • Activity Periods (seconds): This widget displays how much time the user was active on the website.

  • Whitelist Countries: Select the country for the whitelist.

  • Exclude Countries: Select the country to exclude.

To add a new website to the list click the “+ Add Website” button and fill in the following fields:

  • Name: The name of the website.

  • Domains: The Url of the website.

To change the order of websites in the list click the “Change Order” button.

You can change the order of the websites in the list by dragging the rows to the right place.