Buyer Reports: Performance Summary

The Buyer Performance Summary report allows you to track the Buyer’s performance and revenue for every product. You can view the report grouped by various criteria on the corresponding report tabs.


To view the report, go to the All Reports > Buyer Reports > Performance Summary section.


You can narrow down the search results by using the following filters:

  • Date: Enter the date range for report generating.
  • Product: Select the Product. Note: You can select “All” for some tabs (Group by Buyer, Group by Date, For Accounting, Group by Product, Unique Leads).     
  • Buyer Agent: Select the Buyer Agent.
  • Buyer: Select the Buyer.
  • Buyer Campaign: Select the Campaign.
  • Publisher: Select the Publisher.
  • Publisher Source: Select the Publisher.
  • Campaign Type: Select the type of the Campaign.
  • Ping Tree: Select the Ping Tree.
  • Campaign Tags: Enter the Campaign’s tag.
  • Buyer Tags: Enter the Buyer’s tag.
  • Show Lead Quality/Disposition: Check the box to show lead quality/lead disposition related columns in the report.
  • Show Price Adjustment: Check the box to show price adjustment related columns in the report (Publisher Adj., ADM Adj., TTL Adj.).
  • Show only repost data: Check the box to show the data about the automatically reposted leads.  

Click the “Search” button to generate the report.

Performance Summary main

You can view the report grouped by the following criteria:

    • Group by Buyer
    • Group by Date
    • Do Not Group  
    • Group by Hour
    • Group by Campaign
      Note: Depending on the Buyer integration, you may view price reject and dynamic post prices. Otherwise, the report presents the static Campaign prices
    • Group by Ping Tree
    • Group by Publisher
    • For Accounting
    • Group by State
    • Buyer by State
    • Group by Product
    • Unique Leads
  • Group by Duration (Call Logic only)

The “Performance Summary” report contains the following information:

    • Buyer: The name of theBuyer.
    • Date: The dates within the selected range.
    • Pings: The number of pings (LMS Ping Post products only).
    • Pings Accepted: The number of accepted pings (LMS Ping Post products only).
    • Ping Acc. Rate,%: The percentage ratio of the accepted pings to the total number of pings (LMS Ping Post products only).
    • Post: The total number of posts.
    • Rejected: The number of rejected posts (Call Logic) / leads (LMS).
    • Accept: The number of accepted posts (Call Logic) / sold leads (LMS).
    • Accept Rate, % (Posts Accepted, %, Post Acc. Rate): The percentage ratio of the accepted posts / sold leads to the total number of posts/leads.
    • Redirects, % (LMS only): The percentage ratio of redirects to sold leads. 
    • Transferred (Call Logic only): The number of transferred calls.
    • Sold (Call Logic only): The number of transferred calls.
    • Sold. % (Call Logic only): The percentage of sold calls. The percentage ratio of the number of sold calls to the number of transferred calls.
    • Duration (Buyer) (Call Logic only): The call duration after it was connected to the buyer.
    • Avg. Duration (Buyer) (Call Logic only)The average call duration after it was connected to the buyer.
    • CPL: The earning per lead. The ratio of total earnings to the number of posts.
    • Pub: The Publisher earnings.
    • ADM: Admin revenue.
    • TTL: Total revenue. 
    • Send Error: The number of posting errors.
    • Timeout: The number of timeouts.
    • Integration Reject: The number of leads that were rejected inside the campaign integration.
    • No Reply: The number of leads without a response from the server (commonly URL issues).
    • Integration Filter: The number of leads filtered by integration.
    • Campaign: The name of the campaign.
    • Campaign Tags: The campaign tags. Read more about the Campaign Tags in this Knowledge Base article.
    • Min Price: The minimum campaign price.
    • Product: The name of the Product.
    • Hour (Group by Hour tab): The hour range 00-23.
    • Post Price: The post price (corresponding to the minimum campaign price).
    • Ping Tree: The name of the Ping Tree.
    • ID: The unique identification number of the buyer. 
    • Accepted Leads: The number of accepted leads.
    • State: The US state.
    • % of Total Sold: The percentage of total sold leads per state.
    • % of Total Presented: The percentage of total posts per state.
    • Publisher: The name of the Publisher.
    • Publisher Source: The name of the Publisher’s source.
    • Converted: The number of purchased leads with the “Converted” disposition status assigned by the Buyer. Note: Check the “Show Lead Quality/Disposition” box to display this column.
    • Bad Contact: The number of purchased leads with the “Bad Contact” disposition status assigned by the Buyer. Note: Check the “Show Lead Quality/Disposition” box to display this column.
    • Never Applied: The number of purchased leads with the “Never Applied” disposition status assigned by the Buyer. Note: Check the “Show Lead Quality/Disposition” box to display this column.
    • Withdrawn: The number of purchased leads with the “Withdrawn” disposition status assigned by the Buyer. Note: Check the “Show Lead Quality/Disposition” box to display this column.
    • Pending: The number of purchased leads with the “Pending” disposition status assigned by the Buyer. Note: Check the “Show Lead Quality/Disposition” box to display this column.
    • Publisher Adj.: The Publisher earnings adjustment amount. Note: Check the “Show Price Adjustment” box to display this column.
    • ADM Adj.: Admin revenue adjustment amount. Note: Check the “Show Price Adjustment” box to display this column.
    • TTL Adj.: Total revenue adjustment amount. Note: Check the “Show Price Adjustment” box to display this column.
    • Lead (LMS only): The number of reposted leads. Note: Check the “Show only repost data” box to display this column.
    • Dup (1/14/30/45 days), %: The percentage of the duplicated leads over a certain time range. Note: Check the “Show Price Adjustment” box to display this column.   
    • EPL: The Publisher’s earnings per lead (Publisher earnings divided by the total number of leads).  Note: Check the “Show Price Adjustment” box to display this column.   
    • ALP: The average lead price (Publisher earnings divided by the total number of sold leads). Note: Check the “Show Price Adjustment” box to display this column.   

You can add custom columns to the report by clicking the “Add New Column” button. Read more about how to create custom columns and how to manage them in this Knowledge Base article.

To download the generated report, click the “Export” button and use one of the available options: 

  • Current page to CSV: The report file includes the data of the displayed page only. 
  • All pages to CSV: The report file includes all pages. 
  • Scheduled Export: Click to create a scheduled report. 


To create a scheduled export, click the Scheduled Exportbutton and fill in the following fields in the “Create Scheduled Export pop-up window:

  • Export Name: Enter the name of the report file. 
  • Export every: Select the report export’s frequency (Week, Month)
  • Export time: Select the report export time. 
  • Export Recipient Emails: Enter the emails to which the report will be sent.

Click the “Add” button to create an export.