Client management balance section enables you to view the current balance of any client registered in your system.
The “Balance” section allows you to view the current balance of any client registered in your system.
To view the list, go to the Client Management > Balance section.
You can narrow down the search results by using the following filters:
- Client: Select the name of the client.
- Pay Period: Select the payment frequency (Manual / Monthly / Semi-Monthly / Weekly).
- Payment Method: Select the client’s payment method.
- Send Notifications: Select if the client receives the notification due to the overdue payment (Yes / Disabled).
- Bank Account: Select the client’s bank account.
- Payment Model: Select the payment model selected for the client (Invoice / Statement).
- Status: Select the status of the Buyer (Active, Inactive, Deleted).
The list contains the following information:
- Client: The name of the client.
- Status: The status of the Buyer (Active, Inactive, Deleted).
- Balance: The client’s balance. Displays the negative balance accumulated as the sum of the invoices that are not paid yet.
- Pay Period: The payment frequency (Manual / Monthly / Semi-Monthly / Weekly).
- Due Days: The number of days left for the payment.
- Send Overdue Notifications: Displays if the client receives the notification due to the overdue payment (Yes / Disabled).
- Discount, %: The client’s discount.
- VAT, %: The VAT value set for the campaigns.
- Payment Method: The client’s payment method.
- Auto Charge, days: The number of days after which the money for the invoice will be automatically debited from the Buyer.
- Payment Model: The payment model selected for the client (Invoice / Statement).
- Bank Account: The client’s bank account. To set up a different bank account, click the column value and fill in the required information in the pop-up window:
- Bank ID: Select the preferable bank account from the drop-down list.
- Show Change Bank Notification: Select the “Yes” option from the drop-down list to inform the client about the Bank Account change. Select the “No” option to disable the notification.
Click the “Save” button to complete.

To apply the bank account changes for the multiple clients from the list, click the “Bulk Actions” button. Select the clients from the list and click the orange “Bank” icon to set the changes.