The Contact Lists section allows you to create, delete, or modify the lists. You can add or remove Contacts from the existing list.
To open the Contact Lists, go to the List Management > Contact Lists section.
The blocks with the graph contain the following information:
- ID: The unique identification number of the Contact list.
- Name of the List: The name of the Contact list.
- Description: Contact list description.
- Last Updated: The date when the list was last updated.
- Updated By: The name of the person who updated the list.
- Last Sent: The date when the list was last sent.
- Total: The total number of Contacts.
- Active Emails: The total number of active emails.
- Active Phones: The total number of active phone numbers.
- Tags: The list tag names.
- Status: Contact list status (Draft, Ready To Send, In Progress, Deleted).
- API: The Contact list API documentation.
You can narrow down the search results by using the following filters:
- Name: The name of the Contact list.
- Folder: Select the folder from the drop-down list.
- Tag: Select the tag.
- Status: Select the status of the Contact list (Draft, Ready To Send, In Progress, Deleted).
Click the “Manage” button in the “Action” column to open the Contact List Manager. Here you can search for Contacts, add or remove them from the list.
The “Contact” filter block contains the following fields:
- First Name: Enter the first name of the Contact.
- Last Name: Enter the last name of the Contact.
- State: Enter the name of the state.
- Zip: Enter the zip code of the Contact.
- Contact List: Select the Contact list from the existing ones.
- Added At: Select the time range when the Contact was added.
The “Email” filter block contains the following fields:
- Email: Enter the Contact email address.
- Status: Select the email status (Active, Inactive, Bounced, Suppressed).
- Email Domain: Select the email domain (,, etc.).
The “Phone” filter block contains the following fields:
- Phone: Enter the Contact’s phone number.
- Status: Select the Contact's phone status (Active, Inactive, Suppressed).
The main block contains the following information:
- Contact ID: The ID number of the Contact.
- Email: The email address of the Contact.
- Email Status: The status of the email (Active, Inactive, Bounced, Suppressed).
- Phone: The phone number of the Contact.
- Phone Status: The phone number status (Active, Inactive, Suppressed).
- First Name: The first name of the Contact.
- Last Name: The last name of the Contact.
- Country: The Contact’s country.
- State: The Contact’s state.
- Zip: The Contact’s zip code.
- Gender: The Contact’s gender.
- Day of birth: The Contact’s date of birth.
- Added At: Date and time when the Contact was added to the list.
- Last Updated At: The date and time when the Contact was last updated.
To add Contacts, click the “+ Add Contact” button. On the pop-up “Add Contact” page, select the required Contacts, check the boxes in the corresponding row, and click the “Add” button below to complete.
To add Contacts one by one, click the “Add Contact” button in the “Action” column. You can use filters to find the required Contacts. Fill in all the required fields, and click the “Search” button to start searching. To add all Contacts from this filtered list, click the “Add All By filter” button. Click the “Yes” button in the pop-up window to confirm.
Click the “Remove Contact” button in the “Action” column to remove the Contact.
Click the “Edit” button in the “Action” column to manage the general list settings. You can view the list “Name”, attach the tag in the “Tags” field, and add some references in the “Description” field, disable or enable API using the checkbox (if API is enabled), enable or disable auto validation for API (If Auto Validation for API is enabled all new contacts received through API will be sent to the 3rd party Email Hygiene service for validation purposes).
Click the “Update” button to confirm.
Click the “Delete” button in the “Action” column to remove the list from the system. Click the “Delete List” to delete the list from the Contact List section (You can still find it in the All Contacts section). Click the “Delete List With Contacts” button to delete the list from the system, including the All Contacts section.
Click the “Add Contact List” button to create a new list. Fill in the “Name” field, attach the tag in the “Tags” field, and add some references in the “Description” field if needed, disable or enable API using the “Enable API” checkbox (if API is enabled), enable or disable auto validation for API (If Auto Validation for API is enabled all new contacts received through API will be sent to the 3rd party Email Hygiene service for validation purposes).
Click the “Add” button to confirm.
Click the “API Documentation” button in the “API” column to open the API Doc Info section. You can check the API Doc and download it as a pdf file (“Get As PDF” button).
Click the “Filter” button in the “Action” column to open the filtration through a selected list. In the “Filter Through Selected List” pop-up window, select the filtration list in the “Select Contact List” field. Click the “Start” button to confirm.
Note: The list for which we are proceeding with the filtration will be compared with the uploaded list. If the duplicate is found, they will be deleted from the initial list.