The "Employees" section lets you quickly find and manage employee records for better productivity in your system. You can track their status, registration, and expiration dates, and sort them by groups for easy organization.
To view the listed users, go to the System Users > Employees section.
You can narrow down the search results by using the following filters:
- Email/Nickname/ID: Enter the email/Nickname/ID of the employee/user.
- Status: Select the status of the employee/user.
- Registration date: Select the date of the registration.
- Expiration Date: Select the date of the expiration.
- Group: Select the group.
The “Employees” section contains the following information:
- ID: The identification number of the employee/user.
- Status: The status of the employee/user.
- Nickname: The nickname of the employee/user.
- Full Name: The full name of the employee/user.
- Email: The email address of the employee/user.
- Group: The group the employee/user belongs to.
- Created: The date of the employee/user registration.
- Expiration Date: The date of the employee/user expiration. If the user’s account expires, it is highlighted in red and you have the option to extend the user’s access for seven days.
To do so, click the green button next to the expiration date and then click the “Confirm” button in the pop-up window.
To view user information, click the “View” button in the “Actions” column.
The “Main” tab displays general information about the user: ID, nickname, status, name, registration and expiration dates, and groups.
The “Contacts” tab contains the employee’s contact information list.
To add a new contact to the employee, click the “Add New Record” button, and fill in the required information in the pop-up window:
- Type: Select the type of the contact (Email / Cell Phone / Landline / Physical Address / Skype / Website).
- Value: Enter the value of the contact.
Note: The fields required to be completed depend on the selected contact type.
Click the “Add” button to finish.
To set the contact as primary, click the “Set Primary” button next to the corresponding record. Click the “Set Primary” button in the pop-up window to proceed.
To delete the contact, click the “Delete” button next to the corresponding contact. Click the “Delete” button in the pop-up window to confirm your intention.
In the “Tickets” section, you can view the tickets assigned to the employee.
You can narrow down the search results by using the following filters:
- Ticket ID: Enter the ID number of the ticket.
- Ticket status: Select the status of the ticket (Closed / Response / New).
- Group: Select the group of the ticket (System Notification / User Request / General / Technical / Finance / Important).
- Manager: Select the manager of the ticket.
The “Login History” tab displays the login history of the employee. It contains the following information:
- Date: The date and time of the employee login.
- IP: The IP address of the employee login.
- Auth Type: The authorization type (Authenticator / OAuth / Password).
- Browser: The browser name and version.
Click the “Export to CSV” button to export the information to the CSV file.
In the “Comments” tab, you can view and add comments to the employee account.
To add a comment, click the “Add comment” button and fill in the corresponding field. Click the “Save” button to proceed.
Switch between the “Personal”, “General”, and “All” tabs to improve the search results.
The “IP Allowlist” tab allows you to create and manage your trusted IP addresses, so your employees can skip two-factor authentication or pin code when logging into the system from the IP address from the allowlist.
To add a new IP to the allowlist, click the “Add New Record” button and fill in the required fields:
- IP Address: Enter the IP address.
- Expire this value on: Select the date and time for the IP address time expiration.
Click the Add” button to finish.
To edit the password of the employee, click the “Change password” button in the “Actions” column, and fill in the new password in the “Change password” pop-up window.
Click the “Save” button to finish.
To configure the Employee, click the “Edit” button in the “Actions” column next to the corresponding user. Fill in the required fields in the pop-up window:
- Email: In this field, you can view the primary email of the employee.
Note: To change the primary email, click the “View” button in the “Actions” column, and select the “Contacts” tab. - NickName: Enter the nickname.
- Groups: Select the groups.
- Checkbox: Check the box to provide the employee with the corresponding system role access.
- Status: Select the employee status (Active / Disabled / Deleted).
- Two-Factor Authentication: In this field, you can view the two-factor authentication for the employee (Enabled / Disabled).
To display the advanced settings of the employee, click the “Advanced Settings” button. The “Advanced Settings” block contains the following fields:
- Expiration Date: Select the date of the employee access expiration.
- Available components (by group): In this field, you can view the list of the available components for the employee/user by its group permission.
- Available components: Select the components for the employee to access.
Note: This option overrides the group component permission settings.
Click the “Save” button to apply changes.
To log in as an employee, click the “SuperLogin” button.
In the pop-up window, click the “Click here to login” button to confirm your intention.
Note: The super login option for users with the set “Expiration Date” option is not available in case the access has already expired. In this case, the following pop-up will be displayed while trying to log in under this user.
To resolve this issue, please contact the system administrator.
The most common case is the absence of the Two-Factor Authentication option set for the particular user.
Read instructions on how to set the Two-Factor Authentication in the following Knowledge Base article.