Event Tracking Type: Send to E-delivery Contact List

The Send to E-delivery Contact List tracking type allows you to add an email address and/or phone number to the existing Contacts List in E-Delivery when the selected trigger event takes place.

Read more about the Event Tracking feature and its configuration in the “Event Tracking (LMS / Call Logic)” Knowledge Base article.

Read more about the Contacts List in E-Delivery in this Knowledge Base article.

To add a Tracking Rule, go to the System Management > Products section, select the Product from the list, and click the “Settings” button in the “Actions” column. Select the “Tracking” tab on the Product Setup page.

Note: The Send to E-delivery Contact List tracking type can be configured only on the Product level.

To create this integration rule, fill in the following fields in the “Add Rule” pop-up window:

Trigger: Select the event that triggers the action:
  • [LMS] Lead Sold: The lead is sold through the Campaign.
  • [LMS] Lead Rejected: The lead is not accepted by any Campaign.
  • [LMS] Campaign Rejected: The Campaign has rejected the lead.
  • [LMS] Campaign Sold: The lead was sold to the Сampaign.
  • [LMS] Lead Offer Received: The lead status changed to "Offer Received" after a successful ping (for Ping Post Products only).
  • [Call Logic] Lead Sold: The lead was sold to the Publisher.
  • [Call Logic] Lead Rejected: The lead was rejected by the Publisher.
  • [Call Logic] Campaign Rejected: The Campaign has rejected the lead.
  • [Call Logic] Campaign Accepted: The Campaign has accepted the lead.
  • [Call Logic] Campaign Sold: The lead was sold to the Campaign.
  • [Call Logic] Call Recorded: The call is recorded and ready to be downloaded.
  • [Call Logic] Buyer Response: The Buyer has answered the call.
Action: Select the “Send to E-delivery Contact List” option.

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Once you select the preferable event, click the “Next” button to proceed with the setup.

The “Trigger Settings” block allows you to set up additional filters for the selected event. The filter fields are optional. If no filters are set up, the action will be triggered for all the leads that fit the event trigger. 

Depending on the user role and platform, the following filters for trigger settings are available:

  • Method: Select the Method (POST/FORM).
  • Publisher: Select the Publisher. 
  • Channel: Select the Channel.
  • Source: Select the Source. 
  • Buyer: Select the Buyer. 
  • Campaign: Select the Campaign. 
  • Pingtree: Select the Pingtree. 
  • Price Restrictions: Select the Price restrictions (Price is greater than 0, Price is greater than a certain value, Price is greater than or equal to a certain value, Price is lower than a certain value, Price is lower than or equal to a certain value, Price range inclusive). Note: The “Price range inclusive” value is available only for the “Lead Sold” and “Campaign Sold” triggers.
  • Price Restriction Value: Enter the price value. 
  • Min Price: Enter the minimum price value to trigger the rule by the price range (available only for the “Price range inclusive” value in the “Price Restrictions” field).
  • Max Price: Enter the maximum price value to trigger the rule by the price range (available only for the “Price range inclusive” value in the “Price Restrictions” field).

e-delivery rule1 newThe “Action Settings” block contains Required Items, Not Required Items, and Other Data Items. This block allows you to configure the action required for the rule setup.

Fill in the following fields for the Required Items section:

  • E-Delivery Contact List: Select the Contact List.
  • Matching Mode: Select the required data to add to the list (Email/Phone). You can add both the email address and the phone number. This field specifies the mandatory data to add. 
  • Email (Required if matchingMode = Email): Select the placeholder to specify the email address in the lead data.
  • Phone (Required if matchingMode = Phone): Select the placeholder to specify the phone number in the lead data.

Fill in the following fields for the Not Required Items section:

  • Phone Country Code: Select the country code.
  • Reset: Select “Yes” to allow a reset of the matching mode contact Automation Counters.
  • Overwrite: Select “Yes” if you want to overwrite the lead data in the list.
  • First Name: Select the placeholder to specify the first name in the lead data.
  • Last Name: Select the placeholder to specify the last name in the lead data.
  • Address: Select the placeholder to specify the address in the lead data.
  • Country: Select the placeholder to specify the country in the lead data.
  • City: Select the placeholder to specify the city in the lead data.
  • State: Select the placeholder to specify the state in the lead data.
  • Gender: Select the placeholder to specify the gender in the lead data.
  • Date of birth format as YYYY-MM-DD: Select the placeholder to specify the date of birth in the lead data.
  • Zipcode or postcode: Select the placeholder to specify the zip code or postcode in the lead data.

Enter the Other Data Items using the available placeholders:

  • Custom Field (possible to use multiple fields with client_prefix): Select the placeholder to specify the custom field in the lead data.

Click the “Save Rule” button to confirm.

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