The IP Analysis service allows you to perform real-time validation of the lead IP address and receive a fraud score based on 25 risk analysis data points. The service scores user data based on an IP address or device, email address, and phone number.
Use your IP Analysis service client credentials to integrate with Phonexa and activate the service.
To enable this service, go to the Fraud and Anomaly > iClear > Lead Processing Rules section and select a Product from the drop-down list.
Once you select the Product, you’ll be automatically redirected to the Lead Processing Rules (iClear) sub-tab. You may also navigate here by selecting the System Management > Products section on the left-hand menu and clicking the “Settings” button for the corresponding product (Lead Processing Rules (iClear) sub-tab).
To enable this service, click the “Add Service” button in the Global Rules block. Fill in the following fields:
- Select Third Party Service: Select the “IP Analysis with Client Credentials” option.
- Execution Type:
- Select the "Synchronous" option to wait for the lookup outcome before processing a lead. This execution type is recommended for real-time filtration of a lead based on the lookup scores. Before processing a lead, the system runs a lookup service. If the data is valid, the system will process the lead according to the lookup scores.
- Select the "Asynchronous" option to make a simultaneous request and process a lead without waiting for the lookup scores. This execution type is recommended for analytical purposes and not for real-time filtration of a lead based on the lookup results. While processing a lead, the system runs a lookup service.
- Select the “On-Demand” option to enable leads filtration when the “% of lead to lookup” is set as 0 (null).
- % of leads to lookup: Set the percentage of leads to be checked through this service.
- API Key: Enter the authorization key that is required to get access to the API. To view the list of the placeholders available for usage, click the “Show global lead placeholders” link. The list of placeholders will be displayed in the “Global lead placeholders” drop-down window.
- Select a field to retrieve IP: Select which field the system will retrieve the IP from. Example: user.
- Select a field to retrieve the User Agent: Select which field the system will retrieve the User Agent from. Example: user.
- Use Cache Data Not Older Than (days): Enter the maximum period (in days) for cache data usage.
- Reject the lead if Fraud Score [ANY DEVICE] is greater than or equal (0-100, where 0 - never reject the lead): Enter the maximum score value to qualify the lead to be filtered out for all devices that can be used by the user. If a lead's fraud score meets or exceeds this value, it will be filtered out, as it is considered potentially risky or fraudulent. Note: This value must be higher than the Fraud Score [Mobile/Desktop] if either is greater than 0.
- Reject the lead if Fraud Score [Mobile] is greater than or equal (0-100, where 0 - never reject the lead): Enter the maximum score value at which mobile users should be rejected as leads. If a lead's mobile fraud score meets or exceeds this value, it will be filtered out, as it is considered potentially risky or fraudulent.
- Reject the lead if Fraud Score [Desktop] is greater than or equal (0-100, where 0 - never reject the lead): Enter the maximum score value at which desktop users should be rejected as leads. If a lead's mobile fraud score meets or exceeds this value, it will be filtered out, as it is considered potentially risky or fraudulent.
- Reject the lead if Mobile Status: Select the “Is mobile” option to filter out the mobile device leads. Select the “Is NOT mobile” option to filter out the not-mobile device leads.
- Reject the lead if IP is from one of the countries: Select the country codes to filter out the leads from the corresponding countries.
- Reject the lead if browser data contains: Enter the data, such as the browser's name. If the service responds with lead data that includes the entered value for browser data, the lead will be filtered out.
The “Add to PL&DNPL” configuration block allows you to use the service to add more filters to your existing DNPLs. Read more about Present and Do Not Present lists in this Knowledge Base article. Fill in the following fields to configure:
- Fraud Score [ANY DEVICE] is greater than or equal (0-100): Set the maximum lookup score to be added to the chosen PL/DNPLs configuration as an additional filter.
- PL&DNPL: Select one or more available PL/DNPLs from the list.
The “Advanced Settings” configuration block allows you to customize the lookup and timeout settings of the service according to the selected Execution Type.
- Lookup only in the local DB (Synchronous Execution only): Select “Yes” for the service to lookup only in the local database. Select “No” for the service to lookup both in the local database and API.
- If local lookup fails, perform an Asynchronous run (Synchronous Execution only): Select “Yes” to perform the Asynchronous run in case the local database lookup is unsuccessful. Select “No” to disable the lookup override.
- API Timeout (Synchronous Execution): Fill in the service response timeout (from one to five seconds). The field is active only if the “Lookup only in local DB” option is disabled.
- API Timeout (Asynchronous Execution): Fill in the service response timeout (from one to five seconds).
- After a timeout run as Asynchronous (Synchronous Execution only): Select “Yes” to perform the Asynchronous execution if the timeout runs out. Select “No” to disable the Asynchronous run override.
- No response service action: The system runs a lookup service, in case the service does not get any response you can select the preferable action:
- Select the “Continue Processing” option if you want to continue processing leads when the service does not respond.
- Select the “Reject the Lead” option if you want to reject the lead when the service does not respond.
Click the “Add” button to confirm.
Read more about the Global Rules and Advanced Rules configuration in this Knowledge Base article.