Wondering how to run a comparative analysis of your IVRs? Check our quick guide to the IVR Performance Report for more information.
The “IVR Performance Report” allows you to get an overview of IVR performance and have a detailed comparative analysis of multiple IVRs.
The “IVR Performance Report” allows you to get an overview of IVR performance and have a detailed comparative analysis of multiple IVRs. To view the report, go to the Analytics and Optimization > Performance Tools > IVR Performance Report section.

You can review the report grouped by IVR, Publisher, and Phone Number.
You may use the following filters to generate a detailed report:
Date - select the date range.
Product - select the Product.
IVR - select the IVR.
Publisher - select the Publisher.
Publisher Phone Number - select the Publisher’s phone number.
Publisher Source - select the Publisher’s source.
Call status - select the call status. Read more information about call statuses in the article.
The report contains the following information:
Date - the selected date.
IVR - the name of the IVR. (The column is available only on the “Grouped By IVR” and “Do Not Group” tabs).
Publisher - the name of the Publisher. (The column is available only on the “Grouped By Publisher” and “Do Not Group” tabs).
Publisher Channel - the name of the Publisher’s Channel.
Publisher Phone Number - the Publisher’s phone number. (The column is available only on the “Grouped By Phone Number” and “Do Not Group” tabs).
Call Count - the total number of calls.
Error count - the total of errors.
Leads - the total number of leads.
Sold - the total number of sold leads.
Reject - the total number of rejected leads.
Lead Hangup(IVR) - the total number of calls that were hung up by leads during IVR.
IVR Errors - the total number of calls that were hung up by the system because of errors and timeouts during the IVR.
IVR Success - the total number of successful IVR completions.
Lead Hangup (IVR) Rate % - the percentage ratio of the Lead Hangups to the total number of leads.
IVR Error rate % - the percentage ratio of the IVR errors to the total number of leads.
IVR Success rate % - the percentage ratio of the IVR completions to the total number of leads.