Lead Stash

Wondering how to access and store lead data? Check our short guide to the Lead Stash settings for more information.

Lead Stash is an internal data storage system that allows you to store and access lead data.

To configure Lead Stash settings, go to the System Management > Products section, choose the product, and click the “Settings” button in the “Action” column.

unnamed-Aug-28-2024-06-36-16-3099-AMOn the Product setup page, go to the “Lead Stash Settings” tab. It contains four sub-tabs: 

Incoming Leads

API Access

Proxy Settings

Incoming Data Modifiers

For preset Products, Lead Stash is usually not configured. If either “Email” or “Phone Number” fields exist in the Product, the system will show you the corresponding message.unnamed (11)-2

Click the “Enable Lead Stash” button to generate an internal storage system for the corresponding Product.

Incoming Leads

The "Incoming Leads" sub-tab allows you to configure the Lead Stash for a Product.

lead stash 1

The Data Lookup Settings block contains the following options:

  • Perform Data Lookup: Select the system behavior when the lead data is found and pulled from the Lead Stash:
    • Disable: When disabled, it won’t allow you to pull data from the lead stash.
    • Store Lead Stash Log Only: Pulls data from the lead stash and displays it in the Lead Info.
    • Fill Empty Lead Data Fields: Pulls the lead data from the lead stash, compares it with the already posted data, and fills in the empty fields.
    • Overwrite Lead Body: Rewrites the lead data with the data pulled from the lead stash.
  • Limit the lookup in Lead Stash within the past: Switch the toggle to enable/disable the input information updating in the Lead Stash within selected timeframes.
    Note: You can set a time when new data will be created at the Lead Stash instead of overwriting the old one.
  • Protect lookup field: Switch the "ON/OFF" toggle to enable or disable the lookup field protection. If enabled, when replacing lead parameters with data from the lead stash (Perform Data Lookup = Overwrite Lead Body), key fields (Email for LMS, Phone for Call Logic products) will not be overwritten.

The Data Storage Settings block contains the following options:

  • Store lead data in Lead Stash: Select the "Active" option to enable the lead data storing in the Lead Stash.
  • Store lead data in Lead Stash only for these statuses: Select the lead status(es) of the leads (Sold / Reject / Test / New / Fraud Reject / Post Error / Offer Received) to store data in the Lead Stash.
  • Store data in Lead Stash on Ping (for Ping-Post Products only): Select the (Yes / No / If Data Not Found) option to enable/disable data storing on Ping.

Click the “Save” button to apply settings.

API Access

The “API Access” sub-tab allows you to manage access to the Lead Stash through the API.

unnamed (2)-Aug-28-2024-06-37-45-3660-AMThe API Settings block contains the following options:

  • Enable storing data using API: Switch the toggle to the “ON” position to enable lead data recording to the Lead Stash through the API, and vice versa.
  • Enable data lookup using API: Switch the toggle to the “ON” position to enable the lead data search and pull from the Lead Stash through the API, and vice versa.

Click the “Save” button to complete the settings.

To generate a new API Key, click the “Add New API Key” button.

Note: If both options are disabled, you can not add the new keys or edit the existing ones (but you can still view the list of the keys).
If one option is disabled, the system will display the following message in the API documentation.

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 Then, fill in the following fields in the “Add New API Key” pop-up window:

  • Name: Enter the API name.
  • Nickname: Select the user who is generating an API Key.

Note: The Lead Stash option is available only for registered users.

  • Get Data: Select the type of access level to the Lead Stash data:
    • Disabled: Do not provide access to the Lead Stash data.
    • Full Data: Give access to all Lead Stash data.
    • Part Data: Give access to all Lead Stash data except protected fields (protected fields are encrypted fields with sensitive data by default).
    • Existence Check: Do not provide access to the Lead Stash data. Display only lead presence in the Lead Stash.
  • Set Data: Enable/Disable data recording to the Lead Stash through the API.
    • Active: Enable data recording.
    • Disabled: Disable data recording.
  • Rate Limit: Select the limit to record/pull data to/from the Lead Stash through the API:
    • Disabled: Disable the Rate Limit.
    • High Rate - 5000/minute, 40000/10 minutes: number of requests per minute.
    • Medium Rate - 2500/minute, 20000/10 minutes: number of requests per minute.
    • Low Rate: - 1000/minute, 8000/10 minutes: number of requests per minute.
    • Tiny Rate: - 100/minute, 800/10 minutes: number of requests per minute.
    • Per minute: - 5/minute, 40/10 minutes: number of requests per minute.

unnamed (4)-Aug-28-2024-06-39-33-0120-AMTo check the API documentation, click the “Doc” button in the “Action” column.

To view the Proxy servers list, click the “Proxy” button in the “Action” column.

Click the “Change API password” button in the “Action” column to change the API password.

Click the “Edit” button in the “Action” column to edit the API key.

Click the “Delete” button in the “Action” column to delete the API key.

Proxy Settings

The “Proxy Settings” sub-tab allows you to configure how data is searched in the Lead Stash, add other Phonexa Lead Stash proxies, and set up the priority of the look-up.

unnamed (5)-4To add a new proxy, click the “Add New Proxy” button. Fill in the following fields in the pop-up window:

  • Proxy Type: Select the proxy type (Phonexa Lead Stash (new) / Data by Lead Id).
  • Name: Enter the name of the proxy record.
  • URL: Enter the proxy URL.
  • API ID: Enter the API identifier.
  • API Key: Enter the API key.

Click the “Add” button to save.

Read more information about the API configuration in the API Access article.

By default, the search is implemented only within the Lead Stash (self) of the product on which it is configured. To change the order of access to proxies, use the drag-and-drop function. 

Click the “Edit” button to configure the proxy. 

Click the “Delete” button to delete the proxy. 

According to the set priority, if the lead was not found on the first lead stash (and in cases when no data was found in 10 seconds and API returned with an empty result), the search would continue on the next one.

Click the “Save” button to apply changes.

Incoming Data Modifiers

The “Incoming Data Modifiers” sub-tab allows you to add or remove country codes on phone numbers the system is going to put in the Lead Stash search keys. 

unnamed (6)-1The “Search Key Phone Number Normalizer” block contains the following options:

  • Status: Switch the toggle to the “On” position to enable this option.
  • Fields to process: Select the name of the fields to process.
  • Enabled for the following publishers only: Select the names of the Publishers for whom this option will be available.
    Note: If that field is not empty, the modifier will be applied only to the leads of the selected Publishers.
  • Disabled for the following publishers: Select the names of the Publishers for whom this option will be disabled.
    Note: If that field is not empty, the modifier will not be applied to the leads of the selected Publishers.
  • Country code: Select the country code.
  • Strategy: Select the strategy (Save both combinations with and without country code / Add country code if not added / Remove country code if present).

Click the “Save” button to apply settings.