The Manage Affiliate Users section enables you to manage and add new affiliate users and search for existing ones.
The “Manage Affiliate Users” section allows you to search, manage existing and create new affiliate users. To view the list go to the Affiliates > Affiliate Management section.

You can search for affiliate users using the next filter fields:
Email / Nick Name / ID - enter the appropriate email address, Nick Name or ID to find an affiliate user;
Status - choose a status from the drop-down list (Active/Disabled/Deleted);
Registration Date - specify the date range of affiliate user creating;
Group - choose a group from the drop-down list (Lynx Affiliate/Lynx Affiliate Senior);
Affiliate - choose the affiliate name from the drop-down list.
The affiliates list displays the next data columns:
ID - identification number of this affiliate user;
Status - status of the user (Active/Deleted/Disabled);
Nick Name - the nick name of the user;
Full Name - full name of the user;
Email - email address associated with the user;
Group - the group the user is assigned to;
Affiliate - the name of the affiliate connected with this user;
Created - creation date of this affiliate user;
Actions - contains a “View”, “Change Password” and “Edit” buttons.
To change the password click the “Change password” button in the “Actions” column. In the pop-up window enter and confirm a new password in the appropriate fields.

To make changes in the user’s profile click the “Edit” button in the “Actions” column. The system redirects you to the “Edit” webpage where you are able to change next affiliate data:
First name
Last name
To check information regarding a specific affiliate user click the “View” button in the “Actions” column. Information is displayed in different categories:
The “Main” tab displays general information about the affiliate:
- ID
- Nick Name
- Main email
- Status
- Name
- Registration date
- Groups
- Referals

The “Contacts” tab allows you to add, delete and set primary contact details for a specific user. To remove contact details click the “Delete” button. To change contact priority click the “Set Primary” button.

To create a new contact click the “Add New” button and fill in the data fields in the pop-up window. Choose the type of the entered contact and enter the appropriate data in the field below.

The “Tickets” tab allows you to check all tickets connected with this user sorting by Ticket ID, Ticket Status, Group and Manager.

The “Login history” tab displays user activity data in the system.

The “Comments” tab displays Personal and General comments in the appropriate subtabs. The list displays the comment, operator of this comment and the date of the comment creation.