The “Media Buy” section helps you track the effectiveness of your advertising budget spend by providing you with cost/income statistics per traffic source.
You can view, create, edit, and delete the Media Buy records for created and available Publishers.
To view the list of available Media Buy records, go to the Publisher Management > Promo Materials > Media Buy section.
You can narrow down the search results by using the following filters:
- Date: Select the date range for the Media Buy record creation.
- Product: Select the related Product.
- Publisher Agent: Select the related Publisher Agent.
- Publisher: Select the related Publisher.
- Publisher Channel: Select the related Publisher Channel.
- Publisher Source: Select the related Publisher Source.
- Status: Select the ongoing status of the Media Buy record (Confirmed, Deleted, Unconfirmed).
- Type: Select the type of the Media Buyer record based on the user who created it (Manager, Publisher).
The list of the Media Buy records contains the following information:
- Date Start: The date of the Media Buy record tracking start (start of the advertising budget tracking).
- Date End: The date of the Media Buy record tracking end (end of the advertising budget tracking).
- Publisher: The name of the related Publisher.
- Product: The name of the related Product.
- Channel: The name of the related Publisher Channel.
- Source: The name of the related Publisher Source.
- Amount: The amount that is considered to be spent on advertising services.
- Type: The type of the Media Buyer record based on the user who created it (Manager, Publisher).
- Added by: The name of the user who created the Media Buy record.
- Status: The ongoing status of the Media Buy record (Confirmed, Deleted, Unconfirmed). To change the ongoing status of the Media Buy record, click the “Status” button, select the corresponding option in the “Status” field of the “Change Status” pop-up window, and click the “Save” button to complete the action.
To add a new Media Buy record, click the “Add New Record” button and fill in the following fields in the “Add New” pop-up window:
- Date Start: Select the date of the Media Buy record tracking start (start of the advertising budget tracking).
- Date End: Select the date of the Media Buy record tracking end (end of the advertising budget tracking).
- Publisher: Select the related Publisher.
- Product: Select the related Product.
- Channel: Select the related Publisher Channel.
- Source: Select the related Publisher Source.
- Amount: Enter the amount that is considered to be spent on advertising services.
Click the “Add” button to complete the action.
To import multiple Media Buy records from the CSV file, click the “Import CSV” button and fill in the following fields in the “Import CSV” pop-up window:
- Product: Select the related Product.
- CSV File: Select the corresponding CSV file for uploading and data importation. To view the sample of the CSV file format, click the “Download a sample file” button.
Click the “Import” button to start the data importation process.
Note: To activate the advertising budget tracking in the Publisher Performance Summary report, the Media Buy record that is created by the Publisher should be confirmed by the System Admin by setting the “Confirmed” status in the “Status” field. The Media Buy records created by the System Admin are active by default.
To manage the existing Media Buy record, click the “Edit” button in the “Action” column. Perform the required changes in the fields of the “Edit Media Buy” pop-up window and click the “Save” button to complete the action.
To remove the Media Buy record from the list, click the “Delete” button in the “Action” column and confirm the deletion operation by clicking the “Yes” button in the “Delete Media Buy” pop-up window.

Note: The removed Media Buy record can be viewed by selecting the “Deleted” option in the “Status” filter field.
You can view the information about the Media Buy expenses in the Publisher Performance Summary report. To make the corresponding field visible, check the “Show Media Buy” box in the filter fields section.
The corresponding amount on ad expenses will be displayed in the “Media Buy” field.
This field will be available for the following tabs: Group by Publisher, Group by Channel, Group by Channel Label, Group by Source, and Group by Phone Number tab.
Read more about the Publisher Performance Summary report in the following Knowledge Base article.