Wondering how much time it takes to process a lead? Check our quick guide to the Publisher Analytics: Publisher Post Time report.
The report displays a detailed breakdown of the amount of time it takes to process a lead. You can view the report grouped by Publisher, Date, Channel, and Tier.
The Publisher Post Time report displays a detailed breakdown of the amount of time it takes to process a lead. To view the report, go to the Analytics and Optimization > Publisher Analytics > Publisher Post Time section.

You can view the report grouped by Publisher, Date, Channel, and Tier (grouped by the “Min Price” value).
You can generate a detailed report using the following filters:
Date - select the date range for the report.
Product - enter the name of the product.
Publisher Agent - enter the name of the publisher agent.
Publisher - enter the name of the publisher.
Publisher Channel - select the publisher channel. (The drop-down list is available only after you select the publisher).
Time From - select the value (in hours) to specify the time frame for the report. The report will show only leads processed after the chosen time.
Time Till - select the value (in hours) to specify the time frame for the report. The report will show only leads processed before the chosen time.
The Publisher Post Time table contains the following information:
Publisher - the name of the publisher.
Total Post - the number of leads that were posted by the publisher.
Date - the date when leads were processed.
Channel - the name of the publisher channel.
Min Price (Group By Tier tab) - the minimum price of the lead.
< 5 Secs, 6-15 Secs, 16-30 Secs, etc. - the number of leads processed within the specified period.
Total Post and < 5 Secs, 6-15 Secs, 16-30 Secs, etc. are shown in the following format: Total Leads / Sold Leads/ Redirects (Redirect Rate, %).
To review the detailed information, click on values in the Total Post and < 5 Secs, 6-15 Secs, 16-30 Secs, etc., columns. The system will redirect you to the All Reports > Publisher Reports > Post Details report.
To view the publisher's detailed information, click the arrow icon next to the name of the publisher.