Here’s how you can find the Publisher Configuration: Main tab and access, add, or change publisher information.
The “Main” tab allows you to view and configure the general information about the Publisher.
To view the “Main” tab, go to the Publisher Management > Publishers section and click the “ID” button of the selected Publisher.

The “Main” tab contains the following information:
ID: The unique identification number of the Publisher.
Nickname: The nickname of the Publisher.
Main email: The primary email of the Publisher.
Status: The status of the Publisher (Active, Deleted, Disabled).
To change the Publisher Status, click the button with a current value icon. In the “Change Status” pop-up window, select the status and leave a comment (if needed). To complete, click the “Save” button. -
Publisher Label: The label or list of labels assigned to the Publisher.
To set a label for the Publisher, click the “Set Labels” button. In the “Set Publisher Labels” pop-up window, select one or more labels from the drop-down list. To complete, click the “OK” button. Read more about how to create and configure publisher labels in this Knowledge Base article. -
Name: The name of the Publisher.
Registration Date: The date of the Publisher’s profile registration.
Groups: The system group (role).
Referral: The nick of the Affiliate that provided the referral link.
To set a Referral, click the button with a current value icon. In the pop-up window select the Referral from the drop-down list. You also can input the Referral Percent (if needed). To complete, click the “Save” button.

Publisher Agent: The name of the Publisher Agent and the contact details. To change the Publisher Agent, click the “Change Agent” button. Select a Publisher Agent from the list and leave a comment (if needed). To complete, click the “Save” button.
To view the detailed information or configure the selected Publisher Agent, click the “Edit Agent” button and the system will redirect you on the setup page.