The Templates section allows you to view the list of existing SMS Templates, add and manage them.
In the “SMS Templates” section, you can add, duplicate, edit and delete your SMS Templates. To view the list of the existing SMS Templates, go to the SMS Campaigns > Settings > Templates section.

The block contains the following information:
ID: The unique identification number of the Template.
Name: The name of the Template.
Status: The status of the Template (Active, Draft, Deleted).
You can narrow down the search results by using the following filters:
Name: Enter the name of the Template.
Status: Select the status from the drop-down list (Draft, Active, Deleted).
To add a new Template, click the “Add New Template” button and enter a name for the new Template.

To duplicate an existing Template, click the “Duplicate” button in the “Actions” column, and enter a name for the new Template. Click the “Copy” button to confirm.

To delete an existing Template, click the “Delete” button in the “Actions” column. Click the “Delete” button to confirm.

Click the “Edit” button in the “Actions” column to edit an existing Template. The SMS Template builder contains two tabs:
Text Message
In the “Text Message” tab, you can create an SMS Template for your campaign. In addition, you can add additional fields to your message:
Contact Fields: Select the value from the drop-down list (Email, Phone, First Name, Country, Zip, etc.).
System Fields: Select the value from the drop-down list (Year, Month name, Current date, etc.)
System Keywords: Select the value from the drop-down list (STOP, CANCEL, END, etc.)
Offers/Links - Select the values from the drop-down list (Random Offer(s) from this Template, Select an offer/link, Unsubscribe link).
Once you select an option from the drop-down list from the corresponding button, the field will be added to your message. You can see the message character count and how many parts the message will be divided into at the bottom right corner of the field.
In the “Offers/Links” tab, you can attach a link to your SMS.
The links list contains the following information:
ID: The unique identification number of the Template.
Name: The name of the Template.
URL: The URL address of the Template.
Created At: The date it was created.
Status: The status of the Template (Active, Deleted).
Click the “Add New Link” button to create a new link in the system. Fill in the “Name” and the “URL.” Select the “Contact Fields” if needed.
Click the “Add” button to confirm.
Note: Read more about how to create SMS Offers/Links in this Knowledge Base article.

To add an existing link, click the “Add Existing Link From Others” button. Click the “Select an offer/link” button and select a link from the existing list.
Click the “Add” button to confirm.

To delete an existing Template, click the “Delete” button in the “Actions” column. Click the “Delete” button In the pop-up window to confirm.

To manage general link settings, click the “Edit” button in the “Actions” column.
Here you can make changes to the “Name,” “URL,” “Contact Fields,” and “Status.”
Click the “Save” button to confirm.

Click the “Test Send” button in the right top corner to send a test SMS based on this Template. Fill in the following fields in the pop-up form:
Delivery Channel
Sender Group
Sender IDs
First Name
Last Name
Day Of Birth

Click the “Add Custom Fields” button to add a new field to the form. Fill in the “Name” and “Value” fields and click the “Send” button to complete.
Click the “Red Cross” button in the corresponding row to remove the field from the list.
Click the “Send” button to confirm.
Note: Read about how to create an SMS Template in this Knowledge Base article.