The Callback feature allows you to initiate a call back to the phone numbers added to the callback list through the API, IVR, or manually. In the Callback section, you can view, create, and manage the callback request.
The connection between the operator and the lead will be processed according to the parameters set in the Callback.
To view the Callback list, go to the Callbacks > Callback section.

The Callback section contains the following information:
Created Date: The date when the callback was created.
ID: The unique identification number of the callback.
Name: The name of the callback.
Product: The name of the Product.
Assigned To: The Publisher assigned to the Product.
Type: The type of the callback list (Auto or Manual).
Status: The callback list status (Active, Deleted, Disabled, or Duplicating).
API Key: Click the “Show” button to view the API Key.
Note: The two-factor authentication must be enabled to view the API Key.
Create a callback
To create a callback, click the “Add New Callback” button and fill in the following fields:
Name: Enter the callback name.
Product: Select the Product.
Publisher: Select the default Publisher from the drop-down list.
Source: Select the Publisher’s phone number.
Click the “Save” button to confirm.

Once created, the system will redirect you to the configuration page containing two tabs.
The “General” tab contains the following fields:
Name: The callback name.
Product: The name of the Product.
Publisher: The Publisher assigned to the callback.
Source: The Publisher’s source (phone number).
Status: The callback status (Active, Deleted, Disabled, or Duplicating).
Is Public: Allows to manage Publisher’s access to the callback requests.
To receive callback requests from the default Publisher only, select “No.” When the “Yes” value is selected, the redirect link to the “Callback Setting Access” section is presented.
To configure access, go to the “Callback Setting Access” section.
To receive the callback requests from any Publisher, keep the "Callback Settings Access" section empty.
To receive callback requests from the default Publisher and specific Publishers, add the Publishers to the “Whitelist”.
Add Publishers to the “Blacklist” to avoid receiving callback requests from the specified Publishers.
Note: The “Blacklist” settings override the “Whitelist”. Publishers added to the “Blacklist” won’t be able to send any callback requests, even if they are also in the “Whitelist”.
Read more about the “Callback Setting Access” section in this Knowledge Base article.
Number of redial attempts for Non-answered calls: Enter the number of redial attempts (0 to 5) for non-answered calls. The default value is set to “0”.
Redial interval for non-answered calls: Enter the value in seconds (0 to 30) for the interval between redial attempts for non-answered calls.
Note: Must be between 0 and 30 seconds, and the default value is set to “0”.
Number of redial attempts for Busy/Error calls: Enter the number of redial attempts (0 to 5) for Busy/Error calls. The default value is set to “0”.
Redial interval between Busy/Error calls: Enter the value in seconds for the interval between call redial attempts for Busy/Error calls.
Note: Must be between 0 and 30 seconds, and the default value is set to “0”.
Redial if the call gets disconnected: Select “Yes” to redial to the same Buyer if the call gets disconnected from the Buyer’s side within the timeframe specified in the “Redial if disconnected within” field.
Redial if disconnected within (seconds): Enter the call duration in seconds. If a call gets disconnected within the specified timeframe by the Buyer, it will be redialed to the same Buyer. Note: Must be between 0 and 5 seconds.
Click the “Save” button to save the changes.

Manage the callback
To manage the callback list, click on one of the options in the “Actions” column:
Callback settings API doc: Click to view the Callback settings API doc.
Note: The two-factor authentication must be enabled to view the API doc.
Callback Requests (the button with an “eye” icon): Click to view all callback requests related to the list. The system will redirect you to the “Callback Requests” section.
Read more about the “Callback Requests” section in this Knowledge Base article.
Change API Key: Click to change the API Key.
Note: The two-factor authentication must be enabled to view the API Key.
Configure: Click to edit the callback configuration.
Delete: Click to delete the callback.

You can narrow down the search results by using the following filters:
Created Date: Select the date range to display the callback list.
ID: Enter the ID to view the specific callback.
Name: Enter the callback name.
Product: Select the Product.
Publisher Agent: Select the Publisher Agent.
Publisher: Select the Publisher.
Type: Select the callback type (Auto or Manual).
Status: Select the callback status (Active, Deleted, Duplicating, or Disabled).

2. The “Schedule” tab allows you to change the callback type (Manual to Auto) and set the schedule for the automated callback (for the “Auto” type only).
To set the schedule, fill in the following fields:
Type: Select the “Auto” type to set a schedule for the automated callback.
Days: Click the “Set 24/7” button to set the schedule to 24/7, or select the checkboxes next to the weekdays.
Start Time: Set the hour (00-23) and the minute (00-59) for the callback start time.
End Time: Set the hour (00-23) and the minute (00-59) for the callback end time.
Click the “Save” button to save the changes.

To view the callback requests, go to the Callbacks > Callback Requests section.
Read more about the Callback Requests in this Knowledge Base article.
Read more about the Callback Setting Access in this Knowledge Base article.