The Callback Requests section allows you to view the callback requests, review callback status, and initiate a manual callback.
To view the list of the callback requests, go to the Callbacks > Callback Requests section.

The Callback Request list contains the following information:
ID: The unique identification number of the callback request.
Phone Number: The phone number of the Lead.
Product: The name of the Product assigned to the callback request.
Assigned to: The name of the Publisher assigned to the callback.
Callback: The name of the callback list.
Type: The type of the callback (Auto or Manual).
Request Date: The date when the callback was requested.
Callback Date: The date and time when the callback was done.
Status: The callback request status(Pending, Active, Completed, Out of Schedule, Duplicate, Canceled by User, Canceled by System, Not Answered (lead), Not Answered (callback), Redial Pending).
Actions: Click the “Call” button to call back the lead manually. Click the “View” button to see the lead information.
You can narrow down the search results by using the following filters:
ID: Enter the ID number of the callback request.
Phone Number: Enter the phone number of the Publisher.
Product: Select the Product.
Publisher Agent: Select the Publisher Agent.
Publisher: Select the name of the Publisher.
Callback: Select the callback list name.
Type: The callback type (Auto or Manual).
Request Date: Select the callback request date or date range.
Callback Date: Select the callback date or date range.
Status: Select the Callback Request status (Pending, Active, Completed, Out of Schedule, Duplicate, Canceled by User, Canceled by System, Not Answered (lead), Not Answered (callback), Redial Pending).

Read more about the Callback in this Knowledge Base article.
Read more about the Callback Setting Access in this Knowledge Base article.