Keyword Search for Cloud PBX

Find out how you can use the keyword search feature to pinpoint specific phrases or words used in recorded phone conversations.

The Keyword Search feature allows you to search for phrases or keywords in audio recordings of telephone conversations. This feature is available for users under the PBX Admin or Global Admin roles that have the Call Recording Listener [NDR] PBX or Call Recording Listener [Raw & NDR] PBX role attached as an additional one. 

Note: the Call Recording Listener [NDR] PBX or Call Recording Listener [Raw & NDR] PBX roles can not be used on their own. 

Read more about the Keyword Search feature for Call Logic in our Knowledge Base article.

To activate the Keyword Search option, go to the System Management > System Subscriptions section, and click the “Additional features” tab in the “Cloud PBX” block.

To turn on the Keyword Search option, the Speech to Text and the Call Recording features should be enabled. 

To enable the Call Recording feature, click the “Activate” button in the “Action” column and confirm the operation by clicking the “Activate” button in the following pop-up window. 

To enable the Speech to Text feature, click the “Activate” button in the “Action” column, and confirm the operation by clicking the “Activate” button in the following pop-up window. 

To enable the Keyword Search feature itself, click the “Activate” button in the “Action” column, and confirm the operation by clicking the “Activate” button in the following pop-up window. 

The Keyword Search report allows you to view the list of calls according to the keyword search results, play or download the call recording, and check the transcription text. To view the report with the search by keywords results, go to the All Reports > Keywords Search section. 

The list of call recordings contains the following information:

  • Call ID: The unique identification number of the call. 
  • Date: The date and time when the call was received by the system.
  • Status: The current status of the call.
  • Source Phone number: The phone number of the caller.
  • Destination Phone number: The phone number of the destination.
  • Destination type: The destination type of the call. 
  • Answered By: The name of the user who has answered the call.
  • Call Group: The related call group.
  • Duration: The duration of the conversation itself.
  • All Duration: The total duration of the call (including the IVR duration and waiting time).

You can narrow down the search results by using the following filters:

  • Date: Select the date range for the report.
  • Status: Select the status of the call (Ringing, In progress, System Error, Cancelled, Completed). 
  • Source Phone number: Enter the phone number of the caller.
  • Destination Phone number: Enter the phone number of the destination. 
  • Answered By: Enter the name of the user that has answered the call.
  • Call Group: Select the call group.   
  • Destination type: Select the destination type of the call (Inbound, Outbound, Internal, Callback). 
  • By source unit: Select the unit from which the caller has made the call. 
  • By destination unit: Select the unit that the caller has tried to reach.  
  • Search Type: Select the type of search approach that should be used for the entered keywords (Exact phrase match, All words in any order, Any of the words). 
    • Exact phrase match: A search will be performed for the words specified in Search Words. All words must be present in the same order. Words from Search Words should not be interrupted in other words.
    • All words in any order: A search will be performed for the words specified in Search Words. All words must be present, the order does not matter. Words from Search Words may be interrupted in other words.
    • Any of the words: A search will be performed for the words specified in Search Words. Any and even one of the words must be present in the audio recording.
  • Search Words: Enter the word that should be used as a keyword for the search through the call recordings.

To open the detailed information about the call, click the “Call Id” button in the “Call Id” column. Read more about the Call Details section in our Knowledge Base article

To open the transcription of the call recording and play the record itself, click the “Play” button in the “Play” column. 


You can view and change the following information in the “Audio Record for ID” pop-up window:

  • Raw Audio Record: The information about the duration of the call recording. 
    • To play the call record, click the “Play” button.
    • To download the call record as an audio file, click the “Download” button. 
  • Transcription: View the transcription of the call recording performed by the system
  • Comments: Enter additional information about the call recording and click the “Add” button to complete the record.