LMS & Call Logic Products Bundle

The Product bundle feature allows you to connect two Products from different platforms (LMS Sync and Call Logic). You can set up the Ping-Post Calls flow in your system and process leads in both LMS Sync and Call Logic platforms.

Products Connection

To view the Product Settings, go to the System Management > Products section, click the “Settings” button for the particular Product, and navigate to the “Connected Product” tab. 

product settings-1

To connect the Product, switch the “Enable/Disable” toggle to the “On” position and select the Product for connection in the “Product” field. Click the “Save” button to complete.

Once you set the connection for one of the Products, the system will automatically enable this feature and copy these settings for the other.

Campaign Connection

Note: To set up the Campaigns connection, you need to connect Products first. 

To connect Campaigns of one Buyer, you should add integrations for both connected Products in the Buyer settings.

To add integrations, go to the Buyer Settings, “Integrations” tab and add integrations for each connected Product. Click the “Save” button to complete.

buyer settingsTo connect Campaigns, go to the Client Management > Campaigns section, click the “Configure” button for the particular Campaign, and navigate to the “Connected Campaign” tab. Select the Campaign to connect in the “Campaign” field and click the “Save” button to proceed.

Campaign settings to connectNote: To connect one Campaign to another, you should activate the Campaign. Only active Campaigns are displayed in the “Campaign” field and are available for connection. After you connect the Campaign, the system can change the Campaign Name, so that both Campaigns have the same Campaign Name.

Campaign Settings` changes

Once you connect both of the Campaigns, some of the tabs in the Campaign`s settings will be unavailable, and some will have additional settings or change their behavior.

Global tab

  • Name: Once you change the name of the parent Campaign, the system changes the name of the connected Campaign automatically.
  • Campaign Type: This field is unavailable after connection.
  • Timezone: Once you change the timezone of one of the Campaigns, the system will change the timezone of the connected Campaign.
  • Min Price: The system processes the LMS Campaign`s Min Price only. The Min Price for the Call Logic Campaign is set to “0” automatically.
  • Status:  Once you change the status of one of the Campaigns, the system will change the status of the connected Campaign.

Global tab

Duplicates tab

Once you connect Campaigns, the additional subtabs with the settings for each platform are displayed. Note: When you change settings via these subtabs, the same settings are applied to the connected Campaign as well.

  • Web: You can manage the duplicate settings for the LMS Campaign.
  • Call: You can manage the duplicate settings for the Call Logic Campaign. 


Filters tab

Once you connect the Campaigns, this tab becomes available for the LMS Campaign only. 

Flexible Filters tab

Once you connect the Campaigns, this tab becomes available for the LMS Campaign only. 


Once you connect the Campaigns, both LMS and Call Logic PL/DNPL lists are available via the “Select PL/DNPL” field.

Schedule tab

Once you connect the Campaigns, the LMS Campaign starts using the parent (Call Logic) Campaign’s schedule. You can not edit the schedule and caps of the LMS Campaign while it is associated with the parent Campaign.


When the Call logic Campaign’s cap is reached, the system pauses both the LMS and Call Logic Campaigns. Campaigns will be paused until Call Logic Campaign`s cap restarts.

Read more about the “Schedule and caps settings of another campaign” in this Knowledge Base article.

Tracking tab

Once you connect the Campaigns, additional subtabs with the settings for each platform are displayed. Note: When you change the settings on these subtabs, the same settings are applied to the connected Campaign as well.

  • Web Tracking: Allows you to manage tracking rules for the LMS Campaign.
  • Call Tracking: Allows you to manage tracking rules for the Call Logic Campaign. 
  • Inbound Tracking: Allows you to synchronize and connect leads from the LMS and Call Logic system. Read more about the “Inbound Tracking feature” in this Knowledge Base article.


Rev-Share Tab

This tab is unavailable for the connected Campaigns.

Campaign Groups tab

This tab is unavailable for the connected Campaigns.

Filter by Pubs tab

This tab is available for the LMS Campaign only.

Test Lead tab

This tab is available for the LMS Campaign only.

Access Control tab

The system duplicates all changes to the connected Campaign settings.

Revenue Additional Settings

  • Mark buyer accept as "0": This field is set to “Enabled” and cannot be changed (LMS only).
  • Mark lead status as sold, if the campaign price is 0: This field is set to “Enabled” and cannot be changed (LMS only).

Create Offer tab

This tab is unavailable for the connected Campaigns.

Phone/IVR tab

This tab is available for the Call Logic Campaign only.

Post Call API tab

This tab is available for the Call Logic Campaign only.

SIP Headers tab

This tab is available for the Call Logic Campaign only.