Looking to view and group weekly performance data? Check our quick guide to the Performance Examination section for more information.
The Performance Examination section allows you to review weekly performance for the selected period and group data in the report by Publisher, Buyer, or Campaign.
To view the report, go to the Analytics and Optimization > Performance Tools > Performance Examination section.

The “By Publisher” tab allows you to view the report grouped by Publisher and review weekly performance for the selected period.
You can narrow down the search results by using the following filters:
Date: Select the date range of the report. Please note, that this report provides you with a week-by-week comparison. By default, each week begins on Monday and ends on the following Sunday. When selecting a date range period, it will be extended to start on a Monday and end on a Sunday for an accurate assessment.
Publisher Agent: Select the Publisher Agent.
Publisher: Select the Publisher.
Product: Select the Product.
Click the “Search” button to generate a report.
The “By Buyer” tab allows you to view the report grouped by Buyer and review weekly performance for the selected period.

You can narrow down the search results by using the following filters:
Date: Select the date range of the report. Please note, that this report provides you with a week-by-week comparison. By default, each week begins on Monday and ends on the following Sunday. When selecting a date range period, it will be extended to start on a Monday and end on a Sunday for an accurate assessment.
Buyer Agent: Select the Buyer Agent.
Buyer: Select the Buyer.
Product: Select the Product.
Campaign Tags: Select the Campaign Tag.
Buyer Tags: Select the Buyer Tag.
Click the “Search” button to generate a report.
The “By Campaign” tab allows you to view the report grouped by Campaign and review weekly performance for the selected period.

You can narrow down the search results by using the following filters:
Date: Select the date range of the report. Please note, that this report provides you with a week-by-week comparison. By default, each week begins on Monday and ends on the following Sunday. When selecting a date range period, it will be extended to start on a Monday and end on a Sunday for an accurate assessment.
Buyer Agent: Select the Buyer Agent.
Buyer: Select the Buyer.
Product: Select the Product.
Campaign: Select the Campaign.
Campaign Tags: Select the Campaign Tag.
Buyer Tags: Select the Buyer Tag.
Click the “Search” button to generate a report.