Project Setup: LMS & Call Logic Additional Components

The “Additional Components” tab in the Project Settings > LMS & Call Logic allows you to set up the system's default Products, enable the hidden reports, and provides you with additional Publisher and Buyer Tools.

To view this tab, go to the System Management > Setup > Project Settings section. Click on the “LMS & Call Logic” tab, and select the “Additional Components” subtab. 

Browse the following settings blocks: 

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Hidden Products in Reports

The “Hidden Products in Reports” block allows you to hide displaying the Product and its data in reports. Note: Hidden Products can be displayed in the reports only if it’s specified in the filter block. These products will be marked with the [H] symbol.

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System Defaults

The “System Defaults” block allows you to set up the default products for LMS & Call Logic components and set up the expired redirect link. The “System Defaults” block contains the following fields: 

  • LMS Sync Default Product: Select the default Product to be used when running reports in the LMS Sync component.
  • Call Logic Default Product: Select the default Product to be used when running reports in the Call Logic component.
  • Expired Redirect Link: Enter the expired redirect URL.
    Note: When the redirect link from the lead body expires, and the “Expired Redirect Link” field is specified, the new redirect link will be displayed.
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Reports & Analytics

Reports & Analytics

The “Reports & Analytics” block allows you to enable or disable specific data in the reports:

  • Reflect Price Adjustment in Reports: Switch the toggle to the “On” position to reflect lead price adjustments in reports.
  • Cap-Out Reports: Switch the toggle to the “On” position to enable the Cap-Out Reports.
    Note: All reports under this feature will provide a look at a campaign’s caps by date, and if the caps were met.
  • Lead Reject Reasons Reports: Switch the toggle to the “On” position to enable the Lead Reject Reasons reports.
    Note: This report captures the reject responses provided by the buyer and a count for each response. If you click on numbers with underlines, the lead details will be presented.
  • Price Reject Analysis: Switch the toggle to the “On” position to enable the Price Reject Analysis.
    Note: Price Reject is a function that allows the buyer to reject the offer at a higher point tier and offer their price for it.
  • Min Price Reports: Switch the toggle to the “On” position to enable the Min Price Reports.
    Note: The “Min Price Report” displays information about minimum prices for sold leads.
  • Performance Summary by State: Switch the toggle to the “On” position to enable the “Performance Summary by State” report.
    Note: The “Group by State” tab of the Performance Summary Report allows you to review the summary data by state affiliation.
  • Enable linked Campaigns settings: Switch the toggle to the “On” position to enable linked Campaigns settings.
    Note: The linked Campaign option allows you to apply and use the schedule and cap settings of another Campaign.
  • Lead Price Adjustment: Switch the toggle to the “On” position to enable the lead price adjustment.
    Note: The Lead Price Adjustment feature allows you to adjust the lead price. You may increase or decrease the lead price without changing the lead status.
  • Show Quality Bubbles to Publishers: Switch the toggle to the “On” position to display quality bubbles so Publishers can view lead quality.
  • Enable iClear Cost Reports: Switch the toggle to the “On” position to enable the iClear Cost Report.
    Read more about the iClear Cost Report in this Knowledge Base article.
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Tracking Tools

The “Tracking Tools” block allows you to set up the additional tracking tools: 

  • Advanced Call Tracking: Switch the toggle to the “On” position to enable the Advanced Call Tracking feature that allows you to add and customize widgets on your website, to receive and track your calls while obtaining detailed analytics for further analysis.
  • Allow to Use All Data From Lead Body in Tracking URL: Select the Products from the drop-down list to allow usage of all data from the lead body in the tracking URL.
    Attention: The feature allows transferring all lead data to the tracking system, which may affect security issues. Please make sure that you assess all the risks before enabling the feature.
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Publisher Tools

The “Publisher Tools” block allows you to set up additional tools for Publishers: 

  • JavaScript Widgets: Switch the toggle to the “On” position to enable JavaScript widget management and reporting in the system.
  • JavaScript Forms: Switch the toggle to the “On” position to enable JavaScript form management and reporting in the system.
  • Banner tools: Switch the toggle to the “On” position to enable Publisher Banner management and reporting in the system.
  • Feed CMS: Switch the toggle to the “On” position to enable fully customizable CMS for your publishers.
  • Email Creatives: Switch the toggle to the “On” position to enable Email Creatives in the system.
  • Offers Page: Switch the toggle to the “On” position to enable the offers page. Offers page displays all public feeds and forms, as well as descriptions of the Offers.
  • Post Call: Switch the toggle to the “On” position to enable the post calls feature. The Post Call option allows the Buyer and Publisher to receive lead data during or after the call.
  • Trusted Form API Key: Enter the trusted form API key.
  • Black list Alliance API Key: Enter the Blacklist Alliance API Key.
  • Publisher Schedule: Switch the toggle to the “On” position to enable the Publisher Schedule.
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Buyer Tools

The “Buyer Tools” block allows you to set up additional tools for Buyers: 

  • Enable Campaign Templates: Switch the toggle to the “On” position to enable the Campaign Templates.
  • Limited Reports Access for Buyer Representatives: Switch the toggle to the “On” position to enable the limited reports access for Buyer Representatives.
  • Enable Campaign Tag feature for Buyer Representative: Switch the toggle to the “On” position to enable the Campaign Tag feature for Buyer Representatives.
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Document Management

The “Document Management” block allows you to manage your documents. The “Document Management” block contains the following field: 

  • Company Policies editor: Switch the toggle to the “On” position to enable the Company Policies editor feature.
    Note: Document editor helps you manage and integrate your company's policies with external sites.
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Advanced Tools

The Advanced Tools” block allows you to set up additional advanced features in the system: 

    • Website Widgets: Switch the toggle to the “On” position to enable the website widgets.
      Note: This option allows you to easily add advanced features to your public-facing website - Team list, Event Scheduler, etc.
    • Redirect Url Masking: Switch the toggle to the “On” position to enable the redirect URL masking feature. The Redirect URL Masking feature allows you to White Label the redirect URL when displaying to publishers. You can customize the URL text.
      Attention: The proper server configuration is required before enabling the feature.
    • Multiple Users Account: Switch the toggle to the “On” position to enable the multiple users account feature.
    • Silent Campaign Revshare: Switch the toggle to the “On” position to enable the Silent Campaign rev-share feature.
      Note: The “Silent Campaign Revshare” option allows you to make a payout to the publisher from the Silent Campaign according to Publisher’s rev-share settings.
    • Buyer Ping Tree Rotation: Switch the toggle to the “On” position to enable the buyer Ping Tree rotation feature.
      Note: The “Buyer Ping Tree Rotation” option allows you to set a strict position for Campaigns’ rotation in a ping tree. The feature is available only for the Priority and Weight ping tree strategies of the LMS component.
    • Smart Tree Bucket Bank: Switch the toggle to the “On” position to enable the smart tree bucket bank feature.
      Note: Read more about the Bucket Bank feature in the Knowledge Base article.
    • Additional Caps: Switch the toggle to the “On” position to enable the additional caps feature.
      Note: The “Additional Caps” feature allows you to manage and set up additional settings for the Campaign’s caps. The option allows you to configure a weekly and monthly caps limitation.
    • Group Temporary: Switch the toggle to the “On” position to enable the group temporary feature.
      Note: The "Group Temporary" feature allows you to assign a temporary role (group) to an employee.
    • Do Not Charge Buyers For Duplicates Within Last X Days: Select the option from the drop-down list to apply no charges to the Buyers for duplicates for 0 — 30 days. Select the ‘Disabled” option to disable that feature.
      Note: This feature is available only for the Call Logic component.
    • Mark lead status as sold, if the campaign price is 0:  Switch the toggle the “On” position to mark lead status as sold, if the campaign price is 0.
      Note: This feature is available only for the LMS component.
  • System Activity Notifications Frequency: Select the option between 1 minute to 7 days to enable the system activity notifications feature.
  • Lead Return Time Limit: Enter the value between 1 and 90 days. This feature allows you to set and manage the maximum lead return period.
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Contact Us

The “Contact Us” block allows you to set up your “Contact Us” form. The “Contact Us” block contains the following fields: 

  • ReCaptcha V3: Switch the toggle to the “On” position to enable the ReCaptcha feature.
    Note: The ReCaptcha feature allows you to protect your “Contact Us” forms from spam.
  • Deny requests without referrer: Switch the toggle to the “On” position to deny requests via your “Contact Us” form without the referrer.
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Click the “Save” button to apply changes.